Willow threw a poisonous bug into Jacqueline’s mouth without changing her expression.

Jacqueline clearly felt something soft entering her mouth, and it was a living thing that was wriggling!


Jacqueline’s scream resounded through the sky.

“It’s so noisy.”

Leia stuffed the gauze into her mouth, and Jacqueline swallowed the bug before she could react.

She didn’t know if it was her illusion, but she could even clearly feel that the bug was sliding down her esophagus little by little.

At this moment, she felt like there were ants crawling all over her body, which made her feel extremely nauseous.

Willow confirmed that she had swallowed the poisonous bug, and then she took off the gauze.

Jacqueline immediately knelt on the ground and tried to spit out the worm like crazy.

had not eaten for

Willow fiercely. “What on earth did you

understand the bug and couldn’t quite

out of the room. He came with murderous intent, and his eyes

expression, she knew that

kind of

“Don’t worry, the heart-eating bug won’t take your life for the time being; it will only make you suffer on the night of

fiercely and said, “I’m

the initiative in the matter, and Jacqueline naturally would not let go of this good opportunity

a good hostage, she wanted

you don’t believe it, you can give it a try. Anyway, Liv’s fate is connected with yours now. As long as you are alive, she will

her. She does not look very good. For Liv’s sake, don’t torture her for the time being. If she dies

Ethan agreed, “Listen

He then untied Jacqueline.

Jacqueline’s hands were almost unconscious, and there were deep rope marks

hands and feet and pointed to her wet clothes. “I want to take a

coldly, “Do as you

a cold when wearing wet clothes, and it could be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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