The memory before Olivia fell into a coma came to her mind. Olivia only remembered that she felt a pain in her neck, and then she lost consciousness.

When she calmed down a little, she found that the scenery in front of her was familiar.

“Where is this place?”

Because Olivia just woke up, she felt uncomfortable in many parts of her body. Especially her head, which was now groggy. She felt that her mind was a little hazy.

“It was in the village. You were poisoned by a bug. I wanted to see if Madam Wendy could do anything.” Ethan hugged her gently, and Olivia buried her head in his chest. “Ethan, is this bug very powerful? Can Madam Wendy solve it?”

Maybe because Olivia had experienced life and death several times before, she was not as scared as ordinary people, and her voice was very calm.

“Liv, this bug is a bit tricky. It ties your fate with Jacqueline together. If she lives, you live, and if she dies, you die. Apart from the person who put the bug in, even Madam Wendy can’t do anything about it.”

Olivia said, “So that’s how it is. That’s why I felt suffocated just now. Something happened to Jacqueline, right?”

“That should be the case.” Ethan gently soothed her: “Liv, don’t worry. Jacqueline just wants to use you to negotiate conditions. The other party will put the bug on you for her. As long as you meet the other party’s conditions, you will be fine.”

other party wants

“Liv, no matter what conditions the other party puts forward, I will agree as long as I can

her head from his arms. “You know very well that Jacqueline has harmed me to what I am today, as well as my family.

but she is worthless compared to you.

Olivia remained silent.

think too much. If

with me for a

Ethan: “Okay.”

stayed with her all the time, holding Olivia’s hand all

Olivia pointed to one

the time here, it was the most beautiful

was the happiest

had not been poisoned by the bug, Ethan would

Wendy had already gone in,

me if


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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