Leia had tortured Jacqueline so badly before, and just now she almost drowned herself. In the end, Jacqueline and Leia were the same kind of people, equally cruel and ruthless.

Of course, she had to take revenge.

Leia knew very well that this request was not excessive and that she was insignificant to Olivia.

When Leia heard the condition, her eyes were cold, but she had to suppress her anger because Olivia was now under someone’s control.

This was originally what she owed Olivia.

Even though she was so angry, she curled her hands tightly together.

Ethan heard this request from the side, and his handsome brows frowned slightly. After all, Leia was his biological sister.

He had the same idea as Leia; this was what they owed Olivia, so Ethan did not stop her and acquiesced to this condition like Leia.


sounded, and for a moment, everyone’s gaze turned to her. It was evident that they did not anticipate

between you and Leia directly.

high, mighty, and sympathetic to all living beings. Your position will not be stable if

want money, you can contact the person behind you, and we can pay the money

people on both sides

addition to $20 billion, I also want

You wish.” Olivia refused without

Even if I detoxify you and don’t hold this hostage, you’ll catch me right away. Why should I do this? Don’t worry, I just need to get the money and find a safe place where I can spend the rest of my life. If you let me go, I’ll definitely release this

said, “I will be your

grabbed Ethan’s hand. Jacqueline was cunning, so she was worried

you think I’m stupid? If I take you as a hostage, I won’t know how I died. I want her

daughter is not very old, but she is your flesh and blood.

said, “No! I won’t agree

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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