Chapter 1649

That wasn't it. Jacqueline added another condition, "You have to transfer two billion dollars to a certain foreign account within two hours. It's only considered done after we confirm the money is there."

Ethan coolly accepted the condition, "Deal. On it."

After he left, Jacqueline said to Olivia, "Don't blame me. We did switch places, but many people love you. You have children too! Once the curse is lifted, you'll be Ms. Fordham. They'll make up for everything that you've missed out on in the past."

Her understatement made it seem like Olivia was the one who took advantage of her.

As of today, Olivia had been through many near-death experiences. Even Olivia's closest acquaintances passed on because of Jacqueline.

Yet, Jacqueline didn't mention them.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong? I didn't kill your adoptive father. He died because he was unlucky-"

who was having tea, slammed the teacup on the

Jacqueline knew it, she was grabbed by the collar

Fordham, how dare you!"

forgot what you've done to me, Jacqueline. If you don't want your rotten life anymore, I can grant your wish

me go!" Jacqueline was surprised by Olivia's sudden violence.

Death doesn't fear me! Unlike you, my life was a

have wanted to chop you into pieces since long

Jacqueline without bothering about Jacqueline's

body part would hurt the most. Even if she would need to experience the pain, she had to let the steam off this

hid her fangs, trying to catch her breath.

US, Jacqueline. Three days later,

still on the floor. She

his response was out

He was worried about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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