Chapter 55
“Mr. Gibson, do you think you will be able to resurrect Thibbi Corporation in such a short time if you don’t have Gibson Corporation’s support?
Samuel’s eyes were boiling with anger then.
He had never used the Taibbi family as a sword to hurt Henry before, but this time, Henry had crossed Samuel’s bottom
Since Henry was trying to sabotage the Turner family’s projects, there was no need to consider their friendship any longer.
“Have you ever thought about where you would be now if you grew up in an orphanage)”
Samuel Tumer””
Frightened by what she had heard. Josie let go of Samuel’s wrist. “Is he crazy? That is Henry’s Achilles’ Heel!” she thought.
She glanced nervously at Henry and noticed the latter’s furious expression.
After taking a deep breath, Josie got up and pulled Samuel. “Come with me.”
In her opinion, offending Henry would do no good to the Turner family.
Even though the Turners and Henry were evenly matched, there was no reason to fight if there were alternatives.
“Henry…” Ashley, too, was disturbed by Samuel’s attack. She looked at Henry nervously and prompted, “Aren’t Mr. Turner and you friends? Did Josie say something to him?”
Henry, without saying anything, stood up and stormed out of the place.
Both Madelyn and Rebecca were bewildered by the happenings before them. None of them dared to say anything.
“It’s better to stay away when there’s a clash of titans,” they thought.
“When did Samuel and Josie get together?” Rebecca’s alter ego, the Gossipier, took over at that moment.
Madelyn shot a glance at Rebecca with disdain. “During your time at university, I recall you took a liking to Samuel. You must not make any moves right now. He would never fall for you.”
“I’m Rebecca, who never commits to any man. He’s merely one of the men I took a liking to Rebecca snorted after hearing Madelyn’s comment..
“Mr. Turner likes Jo. Madelyn wasn’t confident when she said that, but she wanted to help Josie to gain some respect from their snobbish university mate.
When Josie arrived at the bus stop after the incident, she was still nervous and scared.

“What should we do if Henry vents his anger at the Turner family?” thought Josie. “Samuel, you are not a child anymore. Why do you have to frustrate him?” she questioned.
Josie was anxious.
Are you worried about him?” Samuel frowned at her question.
“I…” Samuel’s accusation angered Josie. “He’s nibbling like a mad dog right now. I was concerned that offending him would land you and the Turner family in hot water.”
bassinathar. He then reached out and pulled Josie into the bus with him.
18:07 Wed, 8 May
Chapter 55
There were only a few people on the bus, most likely because it wasn’t rush hour.
The two sat in the comer. Neither of them spoke along the way.
Josie quietly stared outside the bits window. Ever since she returned to the Gibson residence at the age of fifteen, the transportation she frequently used was the public bus.
She looked at the cars driving past the bus, the bright neon lights, and the vibrant world, with tears slowly welling up in her
Josie never asked for much. She only cared about living a healthy life.
Samuel was the first to break the silence after a long period of quietude. “Do you still love him?”
Josie opened her mouth, but neither a denial nor an answer came out of her mouth.
Samuel lowered his eyes. He then said. “You don’t have to worry about me. It won’t be easy for him to hurt the Turner family.”
“He’s like a mad dog now…” Josie was at a loss for words when it came to describing Henry’s current condition. But she figured a mad dog was the best way to characterize him, given his readiness to bite anyone who got in his way.
Samuel glanced at Josie and probed, “I know we’ll both lose if we fight, but Henry is no longer invincible. He has a weakness, and that is the Taibbi family man.
Hearing such, Josie tightened her fingers. In a whisper, she answered, “That won’t be necessary.”
“Why can’t they both stay away from each other? Why do they have to fight each other?” she thought.
Her response rendered Samuel smiled bitterly. “It seems Josie is still worried about Henry,” he thought.
“Go home early and take some rest. You don’t have to attend such a gathering if… you prefer not to. Such gatherings are meaningless.” Samuel left after walking Josie to her place.
Josie knew Samuel wasn’t happy based on his reaction.
“Hasn’t your place been renovated!” Josie inquired nervously.
Her words halted Samuel. He turned to look at Josie and asked, “Would you like me to move here as soon as possible?”
Josie looked away. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m just curious.
“No, the renovations have not yet been completed. It will take a few days. Samuel turned and left with disappointment.
Josie stood there for a long time. She didn’t return to her senses until Samuel disappeared from her view.
“Do you like him so much?” asked Henry in a low voice while leaning against the car parked in the parking area behind the rental apartment.
He arrived at the rental house earlier than Josie since driving was faster than taking the bus.
“What is it about him that makes you rebellious, defy me, and flee from me?”
Henry stood up straight and walked up to Josie slowly. “Or, do you believe the Turner family will protect you?”
He startled Josie. She turned back sharply, and her heart started to pound.
Henry didn’t say anything.
Henry walked to Josie’s side, pulled the jacket away from her, and threw it into the trash can. “I wonder if I’m too nice to you, Josie.
Chapter 55
Josic, who was terrified, attempted to retrieve the jacket, but Henry grabbed her wrists and pushed her against the car door,
I have the development right of the land where Harmony Supermarket now stands, and the Santalum residence in Tafledale is significant to Lewis Turner. What do you think would happen if I demolished the house because it was an unauthorized structure on the property?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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