Chapter 77
Henry’s veins appeared to almost burst as he grasped tightly. He knew he was in the wrong, but he wouldn’t give in,
“Even from the beginning. I never intended to return Josie to you
Word by word. Henry declared to Samuel that Josie was his
“It doesn’t matter if we’re married or divorced. She’s mine. Never will I allow what is mine to stray too far from me.”
Samuel’s breathing intensified, and he thought Henry was irrational, if not insane.
“You’re a madman! A possessive l u n a t c!” Samuel pushed Henry away. “Josie’s a human, not an object. She’s not anyone’s possession. She has the freedom to live!”
Henry laughed hysterically at himself.
Samuel was right. He was a possessive crazy man.
Before that, he had never imagined he would cling to Josie with such obsession.
He never really wanted to get divorced, and it was the last rash decision he had ever regretted.
But after agreeing, he was forced to carry out his decision. He wanted to show Josie that life would be difficult if she were to leave him.
Only if she stayed by his side would she be secure. Josie would obediently come back to him in that case.
“Samuel, you’re nothing. You can’t protect her at all. You don’t deserve her.”
Henry lowered his voice and sneered at Samuel. He thought, “He was raised in the Turner family, so how can he defend Josie when he can’t even defend himself?”
Those folks had always led naive lives.
If it weren’t for him, who kept Josie carefully hidden during the last three years, she wouldn’t be alive then..
How naive.
They obviously had no idea about the Gibson family’s dark schemes,
Although he acknowledged that that was an extreme measure, it was the best way to safeguard Josie.

I’ll protect her. You don’t have to worry about it!” Samuel clenched his hands.
“You knew what caused Hayden’s death. Can you even keep Josie safe? What are you capable of? You lost control three years ago and nearly killed someone. What else can you do to keep her safe? Every time, your alleged defenses either almost cost you your life or led you astray.”
Henry smiled and looked at Samuel ironically.
These young men, who had affluent upbringings, were generally naive in their actions.
Ten years ago, when she was kidnapped, you were almost stabbed to death by a gangster. The ironic thing is that Josie had no idea you were there! You touched Josie during the accident three years ago because you were unable to restrain yourself. She wouldn’t think twice about killing you if she knew that you had touched her.”
Chapter 77
Henry had kept these secrets well buried. Despite his selfishness, he didn’t want to set Josie off.
1, too, am a victim.” Samuel’s breath caught in his throat as he looked away.
“Don’t defend your actions. You used drinking as an excuse for your lustful desires. Don’t talk so highly of yourself. When we approached Josie, we both had intentions. We both know who’s more righteous he Samuel’s weakness.
“Don’t compare me to you. I’m not like you!”
Samuel’s head ached. He was indeed feeling sick.
“Stop messing with Josie. Nobody else except me is entirely capable of defending her
Henry wanted Samuel to realize that, despite bein Josic
Henry sneered. He knew it was
a member of the Turner family, the latter was incapable of defending
Josie’s challenges were still ahead of her, Others were eager to have her. No one would truly defend her aside from him.
“Henry, have you ever loved her? Samuel said in a low voice.
Henry’s body tensed up slightly. He hesitated.
In fact, he had gone out of his way to use and manipulate Josie as soon as she arrived at the Gibson residence.
He questioned himself. “Is that love?”
He struggled to differentiate between love and possessiveness.
“Whether that love exists or not, she is mine.” Samuel was forewarned by Henry, who then turned to depart
“Henry, you are such a jerk.” Samuel sneered. He continued, “I will tell Josie what happened three years ago. Nothing you do can threaten me. Also, I will never let go of Josie as long as I live. Bring it on. Do anything you want to me.”
Henry’s breathing immediately became shallow as his steps abruptly came to a stop.
Josie was standing behind a car parked on the side, gripping some cold medicine out of dread and horror.
“Jo… At that moment, Henry’s heart seemed to be tord apart. He panicked. “Jo!”
Henry panicked and ran after Josie as he saw her flee.
Samuel’s fingers were weak. “It’s Josie,” he thought. “What did she hear? Did she hear everything that happened three years ago?
Samuel was gasping for air. He lacked even the guts to try to catch up.
Henry was right. He was also a s c u m b a g – a s
cumbag who took advantage of others’ misfortunes.
At a college graduation party three years ago, a madman had a long-standing obsession with Josie. Taking advantage of the gathering, he drugged Josie’s drink.
Samuel just so happened to meet his friends at Norman Hotel that evening. Since he was a senior, he was invited to have a drink.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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