Chapter 174
Rebecca was so frightened because she had company at that time.
“Huh? If you’re homeless, Sebbie, go to a hotel. I-It’s not really convenient for you to be here at the moment, Rebecca refused awkwardly and even wanted to shut the door.
Sebastian frowned and stopped the door from closing with his hand. “My ID card was detained. I can’t stay in the hotel.
“Uh… Call Jo, then. Rebecca panicked.
Sebastian looked even gloomier upon hearing that remark.
“Someone must be in there with her right now,” he mused.
Josie has had enough trouble lately. Haven’t you heard? Today, Ashley’s fans barged into the company and threw a wine bottle at Josie, uttered Sebastian in a deep voice.
Rebecca straightened her back in shock. “How’s that possible? Just now.”
Josie had been chatting with Rebecca about the scandals from the blockbuster on WhatsApp only a minute ago.
Seeing Rebecca no longer hinder the path, Sebastian stepped inside.
In the living room, a stranger sat on the couch. That person was playing games and appearing a little impatient. “Who’s that? It’s so late already
Sebastian’s eyebrows furrowed as he turned back to look at Rebecca. “You have a date, Rebecca??
Rebecca smiled awkwardly and tried to salvage her image. “He’s my cousin!”
She picked up the man’s coat and threw it on him. “Leave now!”
That man was dumbfounded, for he had yet to finish playing the game. He looked up, only to jump in fright when I the grim expression on Sebastian’s face. “Who’s this guy?”
“You don’t have to know. Just go already!” Rebecca pushed the man out the door.
“Do you only care about guys now, Rebecca? How could you kick me out just because he’s here? Aren’t we buddies?” The man was quite unhappy.
“Shut up, you!” Rebecca gritted her teeth and kicked the man right on the butt. “Get lost.”
After saying that, she drove the man outside and clapped her hands with a grin. “Haha. My cousin’s so funny, always joking around.”
Sebastian gnashed his teeth and faked a smile in return. “Aren’t you afraid of getting yourself involved in a scandal?”

“No. He’s quite tight-lipped, I dare say. Ever since we were kids, he- Halfway through her words, Rebecca raised her hands to cover her mouth.
She had blurted the secret out herself.
Wearing an intimidating visage, Sebastian narrowed his eyes meaningfully as he approached Rebecca one step at a time with an overwhelming aura.
Rebecca was inexplicably nervous and afraid. “No, wait a minute Why should I be afraid of this brat?” she wondered.
Chapter 174
“You really… just can’t live without men, can you?” interrogated Sebastian in a deep voice.
Rebecca furrowed her brows at that. “Relationships are consensual, Sebbie. If you can’t stand it, you can show yourself out”
Sebastian took a deep breath and complained inwardly, “This is ridiculous.”
“You know, Rebecca, it’s not easy for Josie to manage our affairs. She’s already in so much trouble. If you get into yet another scandal, do you really think you’ll be lucky enough to have someone else cover you up again? Sebastian was infuriated.
Rebecca did not know why Sebastian got all worked up. She assumed the latter was probably worried about Josie, “I know that. That man you saw just now is trustworthy, and he’s on good terms with me. I’ll take care of my affairs by myself. I won’t be causing you guys any trouble.”
“Are you sure he can be trusted? Think about this. If we pay someone who wants to mess with Josie 1.5 million dollars and ask the person to spread rumors about you, will the person agree?” Sebastian scowled at Rebecca.
15 million?” Rebecca was astounded.
Sebastian, in turn, felt a bit of a headache to hear that reply. He could never comprehend Rebecca’s way of thinking.
Tll take that handsome amount of money myself and release my own scandalous news to the public. Rebecca rolled her eyes as she spoke before adding. “I’m kidding! My scandal isn’t worth 1.5 million dollars.”
I’m not joking, okay?” Sebastian was really livid.
Clearly, Rebecca also noticed that expression of his. “Well… I know I’m at fault. I’ll control myself from now.”
“Are you sure you can?” Sebastian seemed aggressive.
Rebecca had no idea what sort of answer Sebastian was hoping to hear from her. “Why don’t you tell me what I should do?”
“I only trust myself. In order to protect Josie from threats and not get her affected. I suppose I’ll need to make some sacrifices.” Sebastian pushed Rebecca into the corner as he spoke. You can come to me if you’re that needy of men.”
Rebecca was so astonished that she almost suffocated.
“Are you sick, Sebbie?”
She then questioned herself, “Am I hearing things? Or… Has Sebastian gone mad from all the agitation?”
“Rebecca Lacroix!” yelled Sebastian.
Meanwhile, Josie fell asleep at Samuel’s house after watching a movie. Since she was deeply hurt, having anesthesia might help sedate her.
Samuel came out of the room gingerly before closing the door behind him.
The trending topics on the internet were all about Henry and Ashley. Many people discovered that Henry was actually the adopted son of the Gibson family, Ashley was Henry’s childhood sweetheart, and Henry had been threatened to get married to Josie.
In fact, the netizens even claimed that Josie was the homewrecker instead of Ashley
There was a lot of scolding going around all over the internet in light of such a reversal.
Josje kept completely silent. She cleared all her tweets on Twitter and decided not to post anything.
Everyone began to presume that Josie had a guilty conscience.
Chapter 174
Samuel’s face darkened as he went to the balcony and dialed Henry’s number.
“What are you up to?” questioned Samuel.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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