Chapter 5

“I’ll be right there. Just have your caretaker be with you for a little while, okay?” Despite the tension highlighted in his tightened jaw, Orlando’s voice remained soothing. A pool of unreadable emotions took over his gaze upon hearing Rebecca’s unsettling words.

Rebecca was delighted. “Okay, I’ll be waiting.”

With the call ended, Orlando glanced toward the stairs, his eyes darkening. After instructing the housekeeper to remind Cassandra about dinner, he made his way out.

The echo of the car engine filled the air. Standing by her bedroom window, Cassandra watched Orlando’s black car disappear into the distance.

A chilly expression set in her features, a bitter smile tugging at her lips. Orlando’s concerned gesture and his swift departure to see Rebecca were imprinted in her memory.

She thought to herself, “He is truly in love with Rebecca. What am I even expecting?”

Orlando didn’t return to Dustmeadow Mansion that night. Cassandra didn’t need to guess twice to know he spent the night at the hospital by Rebecca’s side.

This was a first. Throughout their marriage, Orlando hadn’t spent a night away unless he was on a business trip. Cassandra didn’t text or call, striving to uphold the image of a magnanimous and understanding wife.

Jackson, stressed the importance of being a “good wife,” especially after she

Gradually, Cassandra figured there could only be one reason–his hatred for her eclipsed all else. Facing this harsh reality, she reminded herself repeatedly

was elusive until dawn broke. Just as she fell into a deep sleep, the shrill beep of her

croaky voice, she


Emergency calls only

Chapter 5

up?” Orlando

“Yeah,” Cassandra answered.

076% 16:58

to prepare two pairs of fresh clothes for Rebecca. She doesn’t want to be seen like this. Could your bring them over yourself?” Orlando’s request came off more like an instruction

of sleep. Momentarily stunned, she asked, “You want me to


I barely know Ms. Spencer, wouldn’t she be uncomfortable with me seeing her like this?” Cassandra said.

an issue. Please bring

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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