Chapter 212 Seeing You, Not as Difficult as Imagined

Although the other party’s voice was lowered as much as possible, Gail still listened to it with the tip of his ear.

‘She hated her so much that her eyes were bleeding!

Jenny was forcibly taken away by Jay Hill that day, her reputation in the R&D department dropped to the lowest point.

People in the R&D department used to be afraid of her, but now, no one cares about her anymore.

In their free time, everyone discussed the topic of Aletta being Aletta.

Every word is full of admiration for Aletta.

But I can only live in the shadow of Aletta’s fame!

Gail has been angry and resentful these days, why is Aletta a bitch, going back to the Rogers Family in the first place! Why did she come back and take everything from herself! Why would it be exposed that I have no blood relationship with the Rogers Family!

Why Aletta is going back to America!

Why… don’t just die abroad!!!

Aletta was unaware of her rage and incapacity.

After she submitted the newly developed formula, she continued to work on her own work.

Without Jason, and the events of that day were not publicized, Aletta was quite at ease when she was at work.

After several days of busy work, the formulation optimization of the No. 2 research room is progressing gratifyingly…

Not only that, but the level of research and development of everyone in the research room has also been gradually improved after Aletta’s suggestions.

Chapter 212 Seeing You, Not as Difficult as imagined

288 Vouchers

After the results of the No. 2 laboratory were spread, people from other laboratories also came to ask Aletta for advice.

This made Aletta more and more busy.

On Thursday night, Aletta and Lotus were working overtime because of a formula problem at hand. Suddenly, Flora called.

*Aletta picked up, “Why did you suddenly think of calling me?”

Flora’s voice that came from the opposite side, but a strange man’s voice, “Hi, are you a friend of the owner of this phone? This lady got drunk in the Blue Crystal Club, and I’m the waiter here, can I trouble you to come and pick it up?”

club, right? Alright, I’ll go there right

heard this, she didn’t dare

knew that Flora had a party tonight.

at socializing, turned out to be drunk

and said to the person on the phone, “I’ll be there soon, please help me take care

after you come here, you can go directly to the second box.”


to change out of her overalls, then picked up her bag, ready to leave.

I’m so anxious, what

movement and asked

“Well, something happened.”

good friend got drunk on a party, I’m going to

she is very drunk, there will be more

worried that she would go alone, so she

into pages

212 Seeing You, Not


not refuse her offer, and the two left the

208 Mourhers

this point, the airport.


he came out of the airport, the first thing he did was to go to the old house to pick up the child, and talk to Mr. Hill’s

but there is no follow–up

for long, so he came

just got into the car, Eaton

wife to the United States for a visit, and wanted to ask him to discuss

He is now in the

a low

Jason never hesitated,

go to the Blue Crystal Clubhouse

put down and told the driver to change the location.

went to the second box

to leave

Flora, there was also a young man and several bodyguards in black in the

was fairly handsome, but there was something sinister


Seeing You Not as Difficult as

288 Vouchers.


Flora, she wasn’t drunk at all, but was controlled by two bodyguards, with

saw Aletta appear, she shouted nervously,”

understood that Flora was in trouble.

aloud, “What’s going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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