Chapter 365 Indulging Her Unconditionally

Aletta laughed when she heard this.

She typed a few words of thanks.

The three asked about Aletta’s physical condition, and after confirming that there was no problem, the second senior sister was in the group, and Aletta called the fourth senior brother, “Send us the sample of the medicine first, and then go to arrest people.”

The other party replied in seconds, “Okay, I will send it immediately.”

Seeing their unhesitating attitude, Aletta felt warm in her heart, and quickly sent a few emoticons. afternoon.

Aletta is in the research institute, doing research and development with her senior brother.

The two research madmen met together, and the busyness naturally ended at night.

Later, Jason called and asked, “Did you eat?”

Alettá just remembered, not only forgot lunch, but also forgot dinner!

It was also at this time that she felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, and quickly responded, “Not yet.”

Chapter 365 Indulging Her Unconditionally

Jason let out a “huh” and asked, “Are you done with your work? I’m outside the institute. I’ll take you to dinner after I finish my work.”

“Okay, just wait for me!”

Aletta finished answering, hung up the phone, and greeted senior brother, “Senior brother, do you want to have dinner together?”

The man didn’t even raise his head, he just raised his hand and waved, “You go, I’ll solve it myself later.”

“Okay, then I’ll go first, big brother goodbye!”

After saying goodbye, Aletta packed her things and went out.

When we got outside the institute, we saw Jason .

He was leaning against the car, wearing a thin black windbreaker, which set off his slender figure.

The breeze gently blows the hem of the clothes, making it look beautiful.

Aletta quickened her pace and walked towards him.

After getting in the car, Jason handed Aletta a transparent box containing several delicious looking desserts.

something to fill your belly. I bought it when


hungry and hadn’t eaten for a day. Facing the delicious snack, she ate several

pastry crumbs, Jason raised his hand funny to help


hard for her to say that she is too busy and

this is the truth, the man will

“Don’t eat too much, just fill your belly, otherwise you won’t be able to eat

before stopping to ask Jason,

he didn’t have a job with Country D, Aletta

business at the hotel, and in the afternoon I went to see the Hill

“You can take a walk around, Country D is a

reaction was very light, “Alone, there is

Aletta, “Is the research

this, Aletta was not very interested, “The progress is very slow, but with the help of the

drug research, there is invisible pressure on

Jason didn’t notice, just

were talking, the car arrived

good place and

didn’t eat much and couldn’t

“Are you full?”

her chopsticks,

nodded, “Maybe because I ate too

I was hungry that night, so I asked the hotel to


two returned

a busy day, Aletta was a little tired, so she went to take a shower

after she entered, the mobile phone on the table

glanced at the caller ID,

it was Alex

narrowed his eyes, stared at it for a moment, picked it up

“What’s wrong?”

bathroom, Aletta

said, “Your phone

was halfway through washing, and it was not convenient to come out, so she asked, “Who is it? You can pick it

this, Jason raised

Aletta, what are you doing? You haven’t answered the

“What do you need to

phone, there was silence for a few seconds, and


became even worse, “What’s going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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