Chapter 259

Jason watched the car go away, and after a long time, he said to Eaton in an inexplicable tone, “Let’s go back to the hotel.”

““Okay sir.”

Eaton looked away and got into the car.

On the way back, Jason was exuding low air pressure all over his body.

Eaton was in the driver’s seat, not daring to breathe, shivering.

Unbeknownst to Aletta, Jason saw her with Alex.

Alex gave her a ride, and she went straight back to ZL Institute’s headquarters.

It’s hard to come back, so I have to come and have a look.

The car stopped outside ZL Institute.

“Thank you for sending me off.”

Aletta thanked the people around her, and was about to reach out to open the door.

Alex glanced at her coldly, and seemed unhappy and said, “I haven’t seen you for a while, but you’ve become more polite. Next time, say ‘thank you‘ again, and I’ll strangle you to death.”

Aletta didn’t take it seriously, and replied deliberately, “I just want to say, you don’t care!”

After speaking, before Alex changed his face, he pulled the door and went straight down.

Alex looked at the back of her leaving, the corners of his mouth, which hadn’t smiled all afternoon, slightly curled up.

It looked like he was very happy.

After Aletta returned to the company, she started to get busy.

I haven’t been back for a while, and some things need to be dealt with at the headquarters.

During the period, she also found time to go to the research institute.

The research institute at the headquarters is much more spacious than that in the United States, and its instruments are more advanced.

As soon as she came, she was so busy that she forgot the time.

In a blink of an eye, it was night.

Hotel, in the presidential suite.

Jason sat on the sofa expressionlessly, staring at the laptop in front of him.

market of Hill Group was displayed, but he couldn’t see it

looked at

it was already past the meal time, but

in the air, and felt that he

Ask her when she will come back for dinner?

this, Jason glanced at

but Eaton inexplicably understood the taste. of ‘approval‘

took out his cell phone from

was picked up over

asked flatly.

Dividing into pajes now

the moment, when she heard a familiar voice, she replied without

frowned slightly, and couldn’t help but ask, “You’ve been in

go to ZL Institute’s headquarters in

*Aletta answered smoothly.

answer, Jason couldn’t express

been accumulated in my

had dinner? If you haven’t, let’s go and pick you

time, only to realize that it

almost done and she had nothing else to do, so she agreed, “Okay, then


hung up the

next to him was still feeling uneasy, he suddenly heard his master

I’ll go

responded happily, and at the same time thought:

is the only one who can calm

pick up Aletta, and booked a

into the car,

craned his neck and looked

if the man who made his master jealous all afternoon

Brown, what are you

noticed his strange behavior and

back to God by

hesitated for a moment and asked, “Miss Aletta, are you

asked, Jason

his eyes didn’t seem to stop

say, Eaton was allowed

strange now, “Of course it’s just me,

Ah, this…

dinner with your teacher at noon? I thought you

is a bigwig in the perfume industry, so I want to

doubt, and said, “After lunch, the teacher left.

“All right.”

as soon as you come back. Why don’t you go to see friends or anything. It’s rare to come here,

get together, and I don’t have many friends, so there is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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