Chapter 143 Save Mommy

288 Vouchers

After returning to the room.

Lucas locked the door, turned on the computer again, and began typing skillfully on the keyboard.

Lyla was next to her, her big eyes fixed on the screen.

A few minutes later, the child successfully hacked into the monitoring system of the Hill Group and located the R&D department.

This department is very large, and the computer screen is full of monitoring images of various areas.

The two children looked over layer by layer, but there was no sign of mommy inside.

Neither is there in the research rooms on each floor!

Just when Lucas began to wonder if he had found the wrong monitor, Lyla suddenly exclaimed, “Brother, look! Is that mommy’s bag!”

The little girl has sharp eyes, and saw Aletta Rogers’ bag on the surveillance screen of the No. 2 laboratory.

Lucas followed his sister’s pointing and took a closer look, “Indeed, I remember mommy has this bag.”

That means mommy hasn’t left yet…

The two children couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief, and they were going to click into the monitoring of the No. 2

Chapter 143 Save Mommy

research room, carefully looking for mommy’s trace.

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But at this moment, the screen suddenly flickered, and a sneaky figure appeared on the screen!

This man was wearing black clothes and black pants. He looked like a thief. He walked to the switch and turned off the lights in every research room in the R&D department.

Moreover, the other party seemed to have come prepared, and covered his face deliberately when he appeared, and his appearance could not be distinguished at all on the surveillance.

This is too suspicious!

Lucas frowned, and his inner intuition became stronger and stronger, “I suspect that mommy may be in some trouble.”

The little girl couldn’t help becoming anxious, “What should I do then?”

Lucas also had unspeakable worries in his heart.

According to this situation, the best way is to ask daddy to go back to the company to help mommy.

of the Hill Group wanted to

going out, it’s


method should be used to get daddy back to

143 Save

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long for him to come up

website, and started typing on the keyboard,

fierce attack on the headquarters system

returned to his room, ready to

and hurriedly reported, “Master, something has happened! Our company’s system has been hacked! Right now, only relying on the company’s own defense system may not be able


that the system level of the Hill Group can be ranked among the top in the world, even if it is a top hacker, it may not be able to

a big night, he was actually attacked, no

leaked, it will cause irreparable consequences for

immediately put his clothes back on, and said with a cold face, “Go back to the company


143 Save Mommy

of the

is estimated that he has arrived

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Brown finished speaking, he hurried back to

the two left in a hurry.


second floor.

the window railing, watched her daddy’s car drive away, and whispered behind her,

the company,

girl was still very worried, she sat back beside her brother, and suddenly asked, “Brother,

something, a frightening look

in black definitely has a

a little, “There are already people

in front of him cannot be distracted.

Save Mommy

1388 Vouchers

screen, and continued to enter the code with his small hands, his expression also returned to the solemnity just now.

attacked the Hill Group system just now, the

companies, the Hill Group is naturally full of talents, and the employees who maintain the network are obviously

offensives, Lucas found himself a bit overwhelmed.

help me contact

out her mobile phone

on the other side, and a confused male voice came

is it?”

in the other party’s tone, obviously he hadn’t woken up

help raising her voice, and hurriedly urged, “Master, master!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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