Chapter 367 Growing Intimacy

Aletta was sound asleep on the bed, completely unaware of the man’s words.

The next morning, Aletta woke up and had breakfast with Jason before heading back to the research institute.

As she entered the building, she saw Lewis coming out of his office.

Seeing the dark circles under his eyes, which seemed even darker than before. Aletta couldn’t help but ask, “Did you pull an all- nighter again?”

Lewis yawned and replied, “No, I slept a few hours in the office.”

It was enough to sustain him for the whole day.

Aletta looked at him with concern and said, “Lewis, please take care of your health. Don’t die prematurely at such a young age.”

Although her words were meant to show concern, they didn’t sound quite right.

Lewis chuckled and said, “I won’t die prematurely. I have regular check–ups, and I’m confident I’ll live another sixty years at least.”

After speaking, he entered the research room.

In the morning, they worked together on their research. After a few hours of busyness, Aletta’s phone rang.

She had forgotten to put it on silent in the morning and immediately looked towards Lewis, afraid of disturbing him.

However, he didn’t react at all. As if nothing, even a major event, could distract him from looking at the data and doing his research.

Aletta breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly went outside to answer the call.

It was Jason on the other end. She asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Come out and get lunch downstairs,” he replied.


Was it already noon?

at her phone and realized that

and asked, “Why

the other end made a sound and said, “I’m afraid someone won’t eat properly and will feel unwell in the hotel at

upon hearing that and immediately

no time,

his hand, still emitting an aura that kept people

Aletta approached, he handed her the

saying, “Thank you on behalf of

cheek was pinched by

smirk, he said unceremoniously, “Next time, try not saying ‘thank you‘ to

from the pinch and glared at him, stubbornly retorting, “You’re not happy about me thanking

feels distant,

still say

teased him for a moment, then turned around and ran off before Jason could

young woman, Jason couldn’t help

herself hadn’t noticed that their relationship

research room, Aletta shook the bag in her hand and said, “Lewis, let’s

glanced at the things in her hand and said, “You can

to fill his stomach. What could

could only go to the

busy work. However, at that moment. The receptionist from the research institute approached Lewis and said, “Boss, someone is

Lewis frowned. He seemed displeased at being interrupted in his research. Irritated, he

me,” a slightly deep middle–aged voice, filled with a smile, came

in was a middle–aged man


the “World Medical League.” When she and her four seniors joined the Medical League, they were assigned to Albert and placed under his supervision. He

appeared surprised at seeing him. Rarely putting down his work, he asked, “Albert, why are you

Lewis. He paused for a moment before saying, “Coincidentally, I came to Germany to participate in a medical lecture and unexpectedly gained an extra reward… Aletta, long time no

a smile, “Instructor, long time

and said, “I was actually planning to contact you later. But since you’re

important since he came. He said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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