Chapter 372 Still, a Little Reluctant

“Please, save me…”

Gail pleaded desperately, gasping for breath.

Her intact hand was pressed against her injured shoulder.

The bullet had been lodged in her arm overnight, causing an unbearable pain that she couldn’t bear.

Although the bleeding had been stopped, half of her body was still numb. Rendering her unable to move. Her injured arm was likely to be useless…

The man sitting in the seat slowly stood up and walked towards her. His crisp and steady footsteps echoed within the silent brewery, as if striking the hearts of people.

In no time, he arrived in front of Gail.

Gail looked up at him…

However, the man fiercely kicked her shoulder.

At the same time, a cold voice resounded, “You dare beg for mercy from me? Didn’t I order you not to touch Aletta without my permission?”

The man’s tone was as chilling as if it came from hell itself. “You actually wanted to kill her. Who gave you the audacity?”

As soon as his words fell, he didn’t seem satisfied. He suddenly lifted his leg and ruthlessly stomped on Gail’s injured area.

Gail lay on the ground, continuously wailing in pain, “I was wrong, Master. I truly know I was wrong. Please spare me…”

But the man ignored her pleas. It seemed like he wanted to stomp her to death!

Gail was in so much pain that she could barely breathe.

Amidst the pain, her hatred towards Aletta grew even stronger!

She hated Aletta!

She hated how Aletta had caused her to end up in this despicable state!

In the beginning, this man had given her a drug that induced a fake death, creating the illusion of her sudden demise.

She had thought it was liberation.

But later, she realized her naivety.

The man before her was even more terrifying than a devil!

In his eyes, she was nothing more than a disposable ant and experiment…

nearly fainting from the pain, the man finally

and he spoke to her as if she were garbage, “I’ll spare your wretched life this time, but if there’s a next time.

bloodthirsty coldness

finished speaking, he waved his hand towards


right approached respectfully and asked, “Master, the plane tickets are scheduled for the afternoon. Are we still

this, the man replied indifferently, “Naturally, we must leave.

know how capable Jason is, I have a feeling that he’s dangerous and not someone to

“Yes, I

Aletta and Jason stayed in the hotel and

dangers outside, so Aletta naturally wouldn’t venture out and

was about Jason’s

treated and not a big

Jason frowned frequently. His

“What’s wrong?”

answered truthfully, “The wound is

and quickly


and said, “It’s a mild inflammation. Wait

Brought the medical kit, and helped him disinfect and dress

finishing, she didn’t forget to touch his forehead, which

a slight fever.

her meticulous care for

worried expression, he couldn’t help but reassure her, “It’s

Aletta’s hand and gently pinched it, affectionate and

and quickly withdrew


obediently complied and

lie down on the bed. Given your condition, it’s not advisable to take antipyretics now.

she pulled Jason up from the

lead him to lie

the blanket, then turned around to bring

“If you feel tired, just sleep. I’ll stay here and watch over

and helplessly said, “I’m really fine. This level

at Aletta and said, “Having you by my side seems

him without

threatened him, “Later, your temperature might rise. You’ll pay

have you taking care of me! We’re already engaged,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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