Chapter 386 How Can You Bear To Part

Alex responded angrily, “Who spread rumors? I just said you were sleeping in my room. Is there something wrong with that? They misunderstood it themselves. What does it have to do with me?”

His tone was defiant.

Aletta chuckled in anger, “Then you better make it clear. Speak the whole truth. Do you know how rumors spread? It’s because of people like you who only tell half the story! If you spout nonsense again, I’ll cripple your legs!”

As she spoke, she took a step forward, intended to step on him once more.

This time, Alex became alert and immediately took two steps back.

“Tch, coward,” she muttered, Aletta withdrew her foot, paying no further attention to him. Instead, she turned around and loudly declared to everyone, “Back off, all of you! It’s late at night, don’t you think you’ve caused enough trouble?”

Aletta’s command had left both sides of the conflict hesitating, unsure whether to stand down.

Finally, after stealing glances at their respective bosses and seeing that they remained silent, they obediently lowered their guns.

Aletta breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to Alex, and said, “I have nothing more to do here. I’m going back.”

Upon hearing this, Alex clenched his teeth.

He could tell that she was going to leave with that man.

After a few seconds of silence, he kept a stern expression, averted his gaze, and coldly said, “Just go!” Aletta glanced at him but said nothing more. Then, she slowly walked towards Jason.

Alex watched her figure and felt his heart tighten with each beat.

In the end, she chose someone else.

Aletta and Jason quickly left with their people, and the villa instantly returned to silence.

Inside the car.

Jason tightly held Aletta’s hand throughout the journey, as if afraid that letting go would mean losing her. His grip was so strong that it made Aletta somewhat uncomfortable.

She couldn’t help but speak up, “Ease up a bit, you’re almost crushing my hand.”

Upon hearing her words, Jason relaxed a little.

With her hand freed, Aletta finally had the opportunity to hold him accountable.

“Do you really distrust me that much? Alex is unreliable, never keeping his mouth shut, but why do you believe everything he says?”

She questioned, feeling a bit exasperated.

had just thought things through,

was taken aback by

“It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s

“Stop explaining. You

Her face grew stern.

“I really don’t distrust you. I brought

her in the past, and he felt remorse every time he thought about it. He wished he could hold her in his palms and never let

spoke in that manner,

only her

had made a big fuss, and she was grateful that

actually started fighting, who knew what the consequences would have

in mind, Aletta couldn’t help but

like that, he talks without thinking. Next time, can you not act impulsively? I don’t want

to prevent her from getting angry. Jason was willing to


Aletta nodded

saw that she was no longer wearing a stern expression, so he mustered the courage to intertwine his fingers

he asked, “You mentioned

the matter, Aletta recalled the main

likely that he was the one who took away the child and even targeted me! After hearing the news, I became extremely worried about Otto and Nina. I was in

to Aletta’s words, Jason’s

mentioned, what’s his name? Tell me all the details you know, and I’ll

nodded, “My

the journey back, she provided Jason with all the information

talking, they arrived

I’ll have someone look into this matter. As for Otto and Nina, there shouldn’t

have the desired

So, later, I want to take them for a full–body

only agree with her as she seemed genuinely

the car and

To Part

four little ones and the Rogers grandparents were

her grandparents, “Nina had an allergy before, and I’m worried it might recur. So, I want to take her for another check–up

Cindy didn’t suspect anything and replied, “Go ahead, it’s better to be

and Otto were nearby and immediately said, “Mommy,

were also worried about Nina’s

exactly what Aletta

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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