Chapter 382 No blood relationship

Jason glanced at her lightly, as if he didn’t want to talk to her very much.

Jay Hill saw it and asked, “How is the child?”

Jason responded, “It’s fine, Aletta took care of her last night, and woke up today, everything is fine.”

Jay Hill nodded, “It’s fine, it’s fine.”

Jenny also breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly explained to her son, “I heard that the child was allergic to the pastry I gave, Jason, mom didn’t mean it, I didn’t know there was seafood in that thing, trust me, she It’s my own granddaughter, how could I … ”

She also blamed herself.

Jason did not comfort her, but said coldly, “You should be glad you didn’t know, otherwise, I will never let you see them again in this life.”

Jenny was stunned by what she said.

Her son’s attitude made her understand that he was not joking.

She knew she was in the wrong, so she lowered her attitude and said, “Then why didn’t Nina come back with you? She just happened to be right, so Mom really can’t worry…

Jason interrupted her coldly, “The child went back with Aletta! I won’t be back for the time being. From now on, if you have nothing to do, go this way. When I let you see the child, I will arrange it. Also, don’t go here in the future Send! There is nothing missing at home.”

His tone was decisive, and Jenny suddenly felt uncomfortable again, What do you mean? You don’t trust me at all, so you don’t let me deliver Okay, so, you don’t even recognize your own mother now, do Jason looked at her coldly, and said, “You know that Nina is allergic to seafood, but you send it here without confirming whether the food is safe, should I trust you?”

Recalling this point, Jenny couldn’t get angry again, “I will definitely be careful next time…

Jason didn’t give her this chance, “No, the children don’t lack food, Aletta and I will take care of them!”

After he finished speaking, he looked at Jay Hill and said, “Dad, I’m tired, let’s go to rest first.”

Jay Hill nodded, “Go ahead, as long as Nina is fine.”

Jason nodded and walked in alone.

Jenny watched her son go in without looking back, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

In this family, she is becoming more and more like an outsider…

Aletta returned to Spring Villa with her four children, and was urged to rest as soon as she entered the door.

Mommy, you took care of your sister last night and didn’t have a good rest. Go and sleep.”

is working hard, you

mommy is

had just delivered four babies

a result, the doorbell rang

person came

It’s Lenny!

saw him, they were surprised and

you here to

grandparents, and replied

didn’t come in directly, but

expression was calm, but she didn’t mean to prevent him

relief, and

the living room, he took out the things he had


for the grandparents, toys for the four little ones, and even a set of Aletta’s skin

was quite surprised to receive Lenny’s

saw the gift, but they didn’t

and said, “This is for

accepted Lenny’s gift and thanked

“You are welcome.”

is not so

the old lady

it seems, doesn’t seem to reject this brother that

the two elders also warmed up, and they asked, Where does Lenny live these days? Have you eaten well? How do you

elders used to greet, Lenny replied, “I stayed in a hotel recently and had a

with the two elders and talked

lady asked Lenny, “Have you

shook her head,


Aletta suddenly remembered something.

Lenny and Adam Rogers went to the hospital

the verification

Aletta asked casually.

words came out, both Rogers and the old lady

many scruples, and said directly to Aletta, “The result came out, big brother … and Dad, there is no

Aletta froze.

really didn’t expect that this matter

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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