Chapter 380 We Stop Here

After hearing daddy’s words, the three children had no choice but to nod, silently standing aside.

Nina was really uncomfortable, crying and tired, and fell asleep in Aletta’s arms.

Watching her fall asleep. Aletta breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the medicine started to work, Nina’s condition will gradually improve later on.

Aletta wanted the child to sleep comfortably, so she carefully put Nina on the bed.

The three children over there, sitting in rows and leaning against each other, seemed to be starting to feel sleepy too.

Seeing this, Aletta glanced at the time.

It is very late.

She whispered to the three children, “You go back to rest first, okay? Let daddy take you back?”

Children can’t stay up late, seeing them sleepy but afraid to fall asleep, Aletta also feels distressed.

When the three children heard mommy’s words, they quickly sat upright. and shook their heads, “We won’t go back, we have to wait for my sister to wake up.”

Lyla also nodded her head, ” Lyla wants to stay with my sister.”

Seeing their determined expressions, Aletta couldn’t say enough to tell them to go back.

“Then Mommy will take you to the lounge next door to sleep.”

She reached out to hold them.

The three children hesitated, nodded, and obediently followed mommy to the lounge.

After entering, Aletta carried them to bed one by one and covered them with quilts.

Lyla’s small face was a little uneasy, and she asked mommy, “Is sister okay?”

Aletta looked at the three children who were sensible and didn’t make trouble for herself, and assured her, “No, with mommy here, nothing will happen! You sleep well, and Nina will be fine when you wake up.”

finishing speaking, she kissed each of the three children good night,

“Well, good night mommydaddy!”

Jason responded,

the children,

took her palm

raised her head, looked at him, and


tone was deep, “About my mother, it always brings you unpleasantness, including

in a bad

“I don’t care how she treats me, even if she doesn’t like me or hate me, I don’t care, but children are indeed my

be lucky, we found out carly tonight, if it was later, in

how much Aletta cared about the kids, and so did

Before, I forbade her from touching the child. In the future, I will also prohibit the child from touching the things she

Aletta didn’t answer directly.

in a serious tone,” Jason, a few years ago, we would get to the point of divorce. Besides you don’t like me,

been once, and in a few years, will we still

then I think we should

time, waste feelings, and talk to him

not to start at

least it won’t hurt

attitude is very serious, saying this also means

felt a sting in

past, recalling it now,

being distressed, it is

promise! I was wrong before. At that time, I was lonely and arrogant, and I didn’t have any thoughts about love. I didn’t like marriage

not anymore, now that this

I believe, so no one has the right to stop it, and I

Not including his parents!

of the man’s words was


then I will trust you once, and I hope you

“Thank you wife for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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