Chapter 391 You Can Get Anything You Want

Eaton nodded and said, ” Sam has already found out the locations of several of their strongholds. Rogers and Leah can do it at any time.”

Jason seemed to be satisfied with this, and nodded, “That’s good, you go to rest, and report in time if you have anything to do.”

Eaton nodded and backed away quickly.

After he left. Jason went back to his room to rest.

Early the next morning, when Aletta woke up, she still felt tiredness lingering on her body.

She is weird.

Obviously, I have slept long enough, whether it was

yesterday afternoon or last night.

Why is it still like not getting enough sleep.

Aletta frowned, after getting up to wash.

But at this moment, she suddenly saw some red blood streaks appearing on her neckline from the mirror.

Her eyes narrowed, and she couldn’t help pulling off her collar.

In the next second, a dazzling red came into view.

A few streaks of red blood spread from the heart to the collarbone.

It didn’t look scary, but it made her feel cold all over.

Aletta’s face was not very good, she immediately took the phone, called Lewis, and told about it.

After hearing this, Lewis said in a serious tone, “Don’t be afraid, I’m leaving right now!”

“Troublesome senior brother!”

After hanging up the phone, there was a knock on Aletta’s door.

Jason came and called her down for breakfast.

Aletta quickly adjusted the neckline before going out to open the door.

Today’s breakfast was well prepared, but Aletta ate it absent-mindedly.

The four children haven’t noticed yet, they are discussing, today is the weekend, where is the best place to go to play.

“I’ve been to the amusement park before, and I’ve also been to the Ocean Park.” Lyla muttered to the side.

“How about going mountain climbing?” Lucas suggested.

shook their heads, “I’ve been there

for a drive? Take daddy’s private yacht.”

of the other three children

“This can be!”

asked obediently, ” Mommy,

hear the four

and said, “What are you thinking? The children are

her senses, and quickly shook her head,

looked at the four children again, ” Mommy didn’t pay attention just now,

much, they repeated it, and said, “We’re talking about driving daddy’s yacht, going for a

“Yes! After eating later, everyone go to pack their things and

four children nodded excitedly. They were so


knew that she would be busy in the future, and she might not have time to spend with the

to her body in this situation. She cherishes the time spent with

breakfast, the four children

four of them were wearing cool sunglasses, as


five mother and son to set off

Jason’s private yacht,

bodyguards were

the children up one by one, and then took Aletta’s

riding the sea breeze, and finally stopped in the middle of the

small expressions of the four children were extremely excited from the moment

sat in a row on the deck, each wearing a small sun hat, sunglasses, and each holding a small fishing rod, as if preparing for a

definitely catch you a big lobster, let mommy have a

the few people who are determined to win, Aletta

goes by, the record of the

rods in their hands

minutes after taking the bait, the fishing rod

a huge lobster dangled back and

is amazing!” Lyla

raised his chin and said unconvinced, “We can

seeing that it was

Jason has

Lucas and the others a little

the fishing rod, and walked towards the four children, “Fishing


eyes lit up, and they

interaction between their father and son, the corners of her mouth

on the yacht helped them

allergic to seafood, I made a

asked Jason, “Shall we go straight

in Jason’s eyes, and he said, “I’ll take you somewhere

mysterious appearance, Aletta’s curiosity couldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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