Chapter 397 Want to Trap You

After hearing what he said, Aletta’s ears were reddish, she looked at him shyly and said, “Of course… I invite you to dinner! Sit down.”

Then she pulled the man to the seat.

Jason laughed, stopped making fun of her, and took a seat opposite.

He glanced at the restaurant and found that there were only the two of them dining, so he couldn’t help asking Aletta, “Are you booking the restaurant?”

Aletta nodded. “Yeah, so no one will disturb our date, how about it, I made a good arrangement?”

She raised her chin slightly, and her eyes were a little smug.

With a smile on the corner of Jason’s lips, he praised, “Well, it’s a good arrangement.”

Aletta laughed, picked up the cutlery, and greeted him, “Eat quickly, it will be cold in a while.”

The two began to eat dinner.

At this time, the lights in the restaurant suddenly dimmed, and then, a violinist came out with a musical instrument and began to play.

The atmosphere is warm and romantic.

Jason didn’t expect her to arrange so much, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

There was poured red wine on the table, Aletta picked it up, smiled and said to him, “Share it?”

Jason was naturally accompanying, raised his own glass, and touched her.

The crisp glass made a pleasant sound, and time passed slowly.

By the end of the dinner, Aletta had already had a few glasses of wine.

Her cheeks were flushed and slightly drunk.

Taking advantage of the alcohol, she stood up, took Jason’s hand, and asked. “Want to dance with me?”

When she said this, her watery eyes seemed to be full of stars, full of expectations.

How could Jason refuse?

He smiled slightly, held her hand instead, and said, “I will accompany you whatever you want to do tonight.”

Aletta was immediately happy, her brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, and her mood was a pleasure visible to the naked eve.

and they walked together to a relatively empty part of

violinist had a wink, and when the two were stepping on slow dance steps,

almost hanging

the red skirt

waist, staring at the person in front

beautiful, and her gestures attracted him so deeply that he could hardly

gaze, and raised her eyes to meet his

and in

song ended, the two stopped

the two kissed together,

sweetness impacted the rationality of

room for the two

the kiss was over, and Aletta suddenly tiptoed and put

and he couldn’t help

also an exquisite men’s ring hanging on

and asked Aletta with a half-smile, “What does this mean? The

looked at him, suddenly laughed, and asked,

think there is only one meaning, and that is

didn’t think about it, but the meaning

the subject and

with my elder brother the day after tomorrow. This time,

he finally understood why Aletta was

turned out to be


with business, and it will be

be separated not long after

eyes darkened, and he asked, “Do you have


to go, maybe I have to retreat! So… plan ahead and trap you

serious and asked, “I’m not at home, will you wait

her tone, Jason was

knew he couldn’t stop Aletta from doing something,

with her, he just wanted to spoil

didn’t have to think about it, just nodded and promised, “I will wait for

eyes, “That’s good. During the time I’m not here, you have

don’t look at other

refuse immediately! You can’t forget

drank too much, she also talked more, and began to exhort one by

were filled with a strong

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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