Chapter 401 The Terror of the King League

the distant Country D.

Hunters’ organization, a violent scream came from a certain bedroom.

I saw Albert lying on the bed, his lips were purple, his face was pale, and his face was haggard.

In just a few days, he was skinny and skinny, completely lacking the composure he had in Lewis’s research room that day.

At this moment, there was a doctor standing by the bed, holding a sharp scalpel, gouging out the rotten flesh at his waist.

Rogers shot him outside the abandoned winery some time ago!

That day, after Albert escaped, he was severely poisoned.

Finally, relying on his extraordinary medical skills, he saved his life.

But the heart-wrenching pain of thousands of ants made him. unbearably tortured!

At this moment, the doctor paused for a moment before saying to Albert, “Be patient, the wound will recover after this part is dealt with. Otherwise, the poison will spread and spread, and by then, it won’t be healed.”

Albert gritted his teeth and nodded.

His forehead was covered with blue veins, and the pain was so painful that he almost fainted.

The doctor speeded up his hand and continued processing.

After about ten minutes.

The carrion was finally processed, and then the medicine was applied and bandaged.

After the series ended, Albert was exhausted and just wanted to rest.

But at this moment, the door was pushed open, and a tall, burly man walked in from the outside!

The man’s face is full of flesh, and there is a huge scar on the left side of his face, which is very shocking to look at.

This scarred face is the person in charge of the ‘ Hunters’ stronghold here – Paul.

After Paul came in, he looked at the person on the bed and asked, “Are you okay?”

Albert barely let out a breath, and said, “Fortunately…”

asked, “Is the investigation

at Albert, and said with a cold expression, “It’s been found

as these words came out, Albert looked a little

didn’t know the existence of the ‘ King League’, so he asked, ” King League?

his tone, “That is a terrifying existence far surpassing’ Hunters’. In just ten

before belonged to the King League! The outside world called

this. Paul’s face became

the bed, and asked with a frown, “How did you provoke someone

King League?

International killer?


heard this, his two thick

years, you have been in contact with various forces in private, do you

the black market are all from your handwriting,

because you have always contributed to the organization that you choose to turn a blind

you dare to provoke the King League! It

Albert heard this, his

wound has not healed, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, he needs to seek shelter

business has been peaceful with any forces, and there is no

and I may inadvertently offend them, and the organization can’t just sit by

stared sharply at Albert who was

Paul reluctantly believed it, and said, “I will report this matter to my superiors and investigate it thoroughly!

end of the sentence, turned around

but at the same time felt heavy in his

to be stared at by an existence that even the ‘Hunters’ are afraid

useful to the ‘ Iunters’, and the people above will definitely not


just two

was in a deep sleep when suddenly he heard bursts of violent

quickly asked the doctor beside

seems to be more than one

doctor shook

this time, Paul

and he said, “Get ready, retreat

and he asked,

scar looked a little more terrifying than

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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