Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 404

Chapter 404 Setting Up the Proposal Venue Together

Aletta watched Alex’s departing figure and smiled, saying, “Anyway, thank you.”

Alex, being stubborn, snorted coldly without turning his head.

After he left, Aletta also returned to her lab…

In France.

Jason received a notification from the man who was responsible for Aletta’s security.

“Mr. Hill, Alex went to see Miss Aletta earlier, but he didn’t stay for long before leaving,” the man informed.

Jason’s eyes flickered slightly as he replied with a faint “Hmm” and instructed, “Ensure her safety.”

He was no longer as concerned about Alex as he used to be after Aletta had made her choice that night. He had found peace in his heart when it came to accepting Alex’s presence.

After giving his instructions, Eaton happened to enter and report the situation to Jason.

“Mr. Hill, there’s some news from Sam,” Eaton began.

Jason raised his gaze and said, “Go on.”

Eaton spoke swiftly, “Sam has found out about Albert’s whereabouts, and they have also identified the individuals accompanying him.”

“In addition, nearby the stronghold, we have discovered two other groups of forces.”

Jason remained composed and gestured for him to continue.

After hesitating for a moment, Eaton continued, “One of those groups seems to be Alex’s people.”

Upon hearing this, Jason narrowed his eyes.

He was aware that Alex was helping Aletta to investigate the Masked Man.

However, he hadn’t expected Alex’s people to track down the stronghold so quickly.

That man… was truly extraordinary!

Jason instructed Eaton, “Don’t pay attention to them. Have Sam act more swiftly.”

He wanted a result as soon as possible.

Once they captured Albert, the research on Aletta’s side would speed up, allowing her to return to his side sooner.

Eaton nodded.

In the evening, Jason finished his work and went to pick up the children from school.

taking them directly home, he

they used for their previous visit to the small

404 Setting Up the Proposal

288 Vouchers

with confusion and

said, “We’re

To the island?


“What are

he said, “Before Mommy went abroad, she promised to agree to my proposal when she returned. So, I need the help from all of you to set up the

momentarily stunned, and then their eyes

succeeded?” Lyla asked with a pleasantly

the same expression,


up, nodding


help! We’ll definitely

lively as Lyla, she was

be together as a

Up the Proposal

288 Vouchers.

talk to

said, “Understood! We know we need to

with their response and set

Aletta was unaware of

still immersed


and Lewis can analyse more items than

abilities that surpass all of you. If you focus more of your attention on research instead of beauty, you can be

originally a model. If I didn’t pay attention to

Lewis looked disgusted. “Hopeless!”

‘hopeless’? Being a model is also

was furious and

to their banter

was obvious they

404 Setting Up the Proposal Venue

exchanging their information,


out, they realized it was

288 Vouchers

was already cold, and with the strong wind and rain, the

an umbrella, their clothes unavoidably got

got into the car, she couldn’t help

hot shower quickly. Your body is not the same as before. Don’t get

Aletta agreed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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