Chapter 411 Sleep with Her

Aletta’s ears turned red as she hesitated for a moment.

She lowered her head and asked softly, “You… want to sleep with me?”

Jason looked at her, his eyes were filled with a hint of amusement and nodded. “Yes, is it okay, my fiancée?”

He lowered his head slightly, getting closer to Aletta’s ear, his voice was deep and seductive, giving off a tingling sensation.

Aletta’s heartbeat inexplicably quickened.

Although their relationship was already confirmed and they had gone through what they needed to, with four children, Aletta still felt nervous for some reason.

Jason didn’t urge her.

He simply waited for a while, but when he didn’t get any response, he felt a bit helpless and spoke again, “It seems it’s not possible. I’ll just go out then…”

He meant to go to a hotel.

But before he could finish his sentence, Aletta had already turned around and walked out, saying as she walked, “My room is over here… Let’s go!”

She was still nervous, and her words came out awkwardly. But it was clear that she agreed.

Chapter 411 Sleep with Her

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Jason looked at her figure and a pleased smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

He followed Aletta and they arrived at the master bedroom.

Aletta’s room was spacious, with a walk-in closet. The decoration featured warm and cosy.

As soon as they entered, a faint fragrance greeted them.

a unique

people to sleep comfortably.

stood beside him, quickly accepting the fact that

the walk-in closet and then asked, “Are

indeed tired. After all, he had been on the plane for so long and hadn’t slept throughout the journey.

“All right!” Aletta nodded.

Jason went into the bathroom to take a

from the bathroom, she took the opportunity

around their room,


and mischievous demeanour, had made the others laugh

could already hear

making you so happy? Share it

the children turned around. Otto said, “They are telling us about interesting memories

“No wonder you’re laughing so happily. But you’ve

heads and said in a cute voice,

tired, but they were full

could see the excitement in their eyes and couldn’t bear to dampen their spirits, so she

Meanwhile, on the outskirts.

arrived at a Gothic-style

Gene and Lewis got out

informed them,

front of them, their expressions darkened. They spoke up, “Eaton, we are going in, can you avoid

411 Sleep with

puzzled and asked,

there something he

“Nothing, it’s just that we might be rough later,

Eaton couldn’t help

to himself, “Gentleman? I even scared myself

voice these thoughts and simply nodded, saying, “All

close friends of Miss

his shoulder

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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