Chapter 415 May I Hold You

His words reminded Aletta of the time when she had just gone abroad.

Everything was difficult back then, whether it was making ends meet, studying, or being pregnant and giving birth to a child.

Those memories were still vivid in her mind.

However, there was no need to bring them up now and make Jason feel uncomfortable as well.

After a moment of contemplation, Aletta shook her head and said, “What happened in the past doesn’t matter anymore. What’s important is that we have reunited and reconciled. From now on, we will always be together.”

She looked up at Jason with a serious expression. “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, there is only one possibility… I’m dead!”

As she uttered the words, her hands involuntarily clenched tightly.

In her heart, she added, “And then, you can feel sorry for me.”

Upon hearing her words, Jason furrowed his brows.

He released his hold on Aletta and a sense of unease inexplicably surged within him. His tone turned somewhat displeased as he said, “Why would you say something like that out of the blue?”

Aletta pondered for a moment, then curled her lips into a smile and explained, “I was just making a hypothesis…”

Chapter 415 May I Hold You

Jason then replied, “Everything is fine, so don’t mention such things. I won’t allow that to happen!”

His words carried an indescribable dominance.

Aletta couldn’t help but sigh inwardly…

But this was precisely the reality.

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She couldn’t express it any further after she saw Jason’s reaction!

Later in the evening, after they finished touring the villa, it was already late.

After leaving the storage room, Aletta urged the children to go to bed.

They obediently agreed.

After escorting them to their rooms, Aletta took two sets of new blankets and prepared them for Otto and Nina.

Once she finished arranging everything, Otto urged her, “Mommy, you and Daddy should rest early and show each other some love. We can take care of ourselves…”

They practically wanted to say, go back early and spend more time building a relationship with Daddy!

and gently patted their head. “You should speak less and

herself with the blanket. Nina obediently lay down and tucked herself in with


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each of them a goodnight kiss and then turned off the lights, leaving only a small nightlight on before returning to the room with

take a shower

the closet to get

Jason nodded in agreement.

inside the bathroom, Jason leaned against the headboard and

came out and saw the scene, she couldn’t help but

there was a living person in the room,

sleeping together later, the slight nervousness that had dissipated during the day had suddenly

dawdle, blowing her hair and taking care of her skin, clearly

flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t stop her. Instead, he

Taking advantage of his absence, she quickly lay down on the bed and dimmed the lights, leaving

washing up and saw this scene, his smile


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approached the bedside and saw Aletta lying on the left side of

if she moved a

as stiff as a board, clutching the

Jason suppressed his laughter.

was she so

the blanket and

large space between them as if there was

up with one hand, staring straight at Aletta, his voice was deep and

almost hear

pretended to be

“Is that so?”

try rolling over? You’re about to

slightly inward

raised an eyebrow, his tone was somewhat indifferent, “Oh? How

415 May |

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her excuse, “I might kick

the dim light,

while, he continued, “Is that so?


tensed up and couldn’t help but gaze

she saw the


here. Let me check how bad is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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