Chapter 418 Bath Together

After visiting the school, Aletta took Jason and the children to many different places.

One of them was the restaurant where she used to work.

As she looked at the scene, memories flashed rapidly in her mind.

Unable to contain herself, Aletta began to reminisce, “When I worked at the restaurant, the boss was very kind to me. Although it was busy and tiring, I gained a lot of friendliness and happiness here. And every month end, the boss would give me a bonus.”

Later, she took Jason to the place where she used to live.

The surrounding environment there was poor, with all sorts of unsavoury characters coming and going. It was undoubtedly dangerous.

However, Aletta spoke with a smile, “The owner was a kind person. She would bake some small cakes and pastries every day and give me a portion. After the children were born, she would often buy them toys. She particularly liked Lucas and Lyla, and sometimes when I was busy, she would help to take care of them. But later, she moved abroad and started living with her daughter! It’s been a long time since I last saw her.”

Hearing this, Lucas and Lyla couldn’t help but say, “We really miss her!”

Aletta patted their heads and said, “We’ll have a chance to visit her in the future.”


Lucas and Lyla nodded obediently, feeling a sense of anticipation, and began sharing stories with Otto and Nina.

Jason looked up at the old, dilapidated house and felt a pang of


Although Aletta spoke of beautiful memories, he knew that her experiences were surely more than just that.

She simply chose not to mention the unpleasant ones.

They didn’t stay there for long. The family of six went to other places and finally arrived at Frenchtown.

Aletta, Lucas, and Lyla became visibly excited upon their arrival.

Lyla eagerly told Otto and Nina, “There’s so much delicious food here!”

Lucas added, “And there is a lot of fun here!”

Otto and Nina, filled with curiosity, couldn’t wait to go inside and explore.

Aletta and Jason walked side by side behind them.

the street and found nothing particularly special about it except for the architectural style, which leaned towards traditional French

exciting to them, which is why they like it so much. As for me… it reminds me of home. I love coming here to eat, and it’s

as if an arrow had

Chapter 418 Bath Together


overwhelming heartache enveloped

anything, he

divorce, Aletta wouldn’t have come to such a distant place and

and realized that speaking about these things might not make him

stopped talking and focused on accompanying the children

Aletta took

clung to their parents

they had expended a lot of energy,

so tired!” they exclaimed as they entered the house, immediately flopping

my legs aren’t

to move her feet,

Having spent the whole

Sapter 418 Bath Together

urge the children, “If you’re tired, take a

want to move, upon seeing Aletta’s tiredness, they obediently followed

off to their room, Jason returned to the master bedroom only to find Aletta asleep on the couch


approached her, intending to carry

action startled Aletta

confusion and upon seeing Jason, she

reached the bedside, Aletta murmured, “I

his gaze, smiling, “You can

shook her head, “No, I

had been running around all day

patted Jason’s shoulder, signalling him to put

no choice

for you,” he

single finger. When Jason came out after filling the water, she playfully reached out and coquettishly said,

Chapter 418 Bath Together



“Are you inviting me to

mean that at all. You’re overthinking it! Never mind, don’t

intended to walk

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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