Chapter 420 Captivating and Neglecting

Upon hearing Aletta’s request, Lewis’s face immediately turned serious.

Without hesitation, he firmly rejected it. “It’s best not to for now. One injection was already the limit. The previous injection was necessary, but you have no idea what kind of suffering you might endure if you have another one. I can’t guarantee what might happen with a second injection!”

Jock, who was standing nearby, also advised, “Aletta, Lewis is right. You shouldn’t act recklessly.”

Kirk expressed her concern; her expression was filled with worry. “No matter what, we should put your health as a priority.”

Even Gene nodded in agreement.

They formed a united front, opposing Aletta’s request for another injection.

In truth, Aletta understood their concerns.

After hearing their words, she gave up on the idea.

It seemed that it was not feasible.

Jock couldn’t help but blurt out what she was thinking, “You should just tell Jason! Jason has experienced countless storms and hardships; how could he be unable to bear this?”

“I also think you’re underestimating him!” Kirk unexpectedly chimed in.

Chapter 420 Captivating and Neglecting

“I didn’t think that way! I concealed it from him before because I

thought we still had a chance, that maybe we could find a solution. But now…”

Aletta sighed. “I intended to tell him last night, but we were interrupted by someone.”

The courage she had mustered was shattered with the arrival of Eaton.

The others didn’t know what else to say.

Continuing the conversation on this topic would only make it heavier, so Aletta changed the subject. “How is the progress?”

Lewis composed himself and said, “The development of the antidote is ongoing, but progress is slow. Therefore, we have decided to focus on improving the suppressant drug and minimize its side effects and buy you more time.”

He paused for a moment before adding, “If you’re worried about Jason, find a way to make him return to France first.”

After the drug was developed, there would be an experimental stage.

Since there were no other patients with a similar condition like Aletta, the drug would be directly used on her.

what might

that Lewis’s words made sense,

lab, Aletta returned to her office to meet

she entered, she couldn’t help but feel

had just arrived, and now he had

the door open, and Jason, upon hearing the sound,

asked, unable to contain

“Lewis just told me that we have to accelerate the research progress, and I can’t just laze around anymore. So, I won’t be able to spend time with you and the

why you’re feeling down?” Jason couldn’t help but laugh

pinched Aletta’s finger and said, “It’s okay, you focus on your work, don’t worry about us.

you’re here, I get distracted,” Aletta replied, hooking her slender finger with his


the next second, Aletta fell onto

She didn’t resist.

clingy,” Jason teased her with a smile, pinching her face gently.

her head in the crook of his neck, muttering, “Am I not allowed

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in a pleasant mood and said in a

couldn’t ask

Aletta’s sweet and contented feelings, there was a

straightened up, looked at him, and said, “You should take

and asked, “What a sudden change. Weren’t you just saying that

mesmerizing! One glance and it’s breath-taking. If I keep looking at you, I won’t be able to look


enough no

he had no desires or demands, he believed work was more

But now…

hold her in his

prepared for it? We have less than ten days until

Chapter 420 Captivating i

She earnestly reminded him.

don’t need to worry about that.

didn’t dwell on the details of the

already made up

would ruin

agreed to Aletta’s

decorate the venue. But he

Jason said, “I can go back, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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