Chapter 424 | Miss Him, Really

With Lewis’s final decision, the rest of them naturally agreed and didn’t say anything more. They got up and resumed their busy tasks.

After more than ten hours.

Jason arrived in France with the children.

When he got off the plane, the first thing he did was open his phone.

Several WhatsApp messages from Aletta popped up.

“I just left the institute and heard that you called me. I’was busy at the time and couldn’t answer, sorry.”

“I listened to you, and I have eaten well.”

In the meantime, there were also two pictures attached, which should be lunch and dinner.

Seeing that Aletta was obedient, Jason’s heart softened. And his gaze at the screen became gentle.

He casually replied, “Keep it up.”

Walt was temporarily in charge of the phone and immediately unlocked the screen upon hearing the notification sound.

Jason’s reply caught his eye.

Him. Really

Seeing that the other party didn’t suspect anything, he was relieved.

Finally got through!

Hopefully, Jason will not make a video call later on…

251 Vouchers

Jason did what he wanted and didn’t make a video call. He only sent a message asking Aletta, “Are you home yet?”

It was nighttime where Aletta was at that moment.

Jason was afraid that she might be asleep and that he would wake her up.

He knew she was busy, and having a good night’s sleep was rare

for her.

Walt saw the message and thought for a while but chose not to reply directly.

It was better to say less and avoid any potential mistakes.

Noticed that the phone remained silent.

Jason didn’t send any more messages.

After all, Aletta would reply when she had the time.

two days, Jason noticed

of food and a few words during

bed at night,

period, there were no video

several attempts to call


from Aletta, “I’m sorry, we have reached a crucial stage in the research, and

sorry, it’s just

I’m done with this busy period, I will make sure to call you and the

Jason believed

gradually, he became

sense of perfunctory in the messages. Jason

there no time

Aletta hiding something from

protecting Aletta, and asked, “Has there been anything unusual about

had been providing daily reports on Aletta’s condition, and when he heard this question, he

been busy… Coming to the institute early in the morning and leaving late at night. She’s been immersed in her

424 | Miss

Jason reluctantly

just an illusion made by

a coma, so she couldn’t come and go from

had to disguise herself as Aletta, taking on her appearance to

that resembled

who was taking care of Aletta, was still taken aback when he

many times, he couldn’t help but marvel at

looked exactly

behaviors and mannerisms were


was only a temporary

still worried about

would wake up

already been the

asked Jock, “Will Aletta wake up

Him. Really

Walt and replied, “I still don’t know yet. Lewis will come

Walt nodded worriedly.

everything would

Aletta, it would be difficult

delay and quickly arrived to examine

they could begin. There was a sudden movement from the

Aletta woke up!

“Aletta, you’re finally awake!”

was the first to


over her body, uncomfortable in her stomach, and had difficulty catching

to speak, but couldn’t muster

condition, Kirk quickly reassured her, “You’ve just woken up, take your time to recover

cotton swab and dampened

lips and the

4241 Miss Him,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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