Chapter 427 She Broke Her Promise

Jason did not expect that Aletta would say such a thing.

His face showed a hint of surprise, and the smile faded from his face.

He seemed unable to believe what he had heard. After a moment, his voice was nervous as he asked, “What did…you say?”

Aletta felt as if an invisible hand had gripped her chest, causing her lips to tremble with pain.

Aletta’s eyes welled up with tears, her voice choked, and she repeated her words, “I said… I can’t accept your proposal, I might have to break my promise!”

Jason was sure he hadn’t misheard, and his face immediately darkened, overshadowed by gloom.

One second ago, he was in a beautifully arranged proposal setting. Imagining his beloved accepting his proposal.

The next second, he heard his beloved say to reject him.

The emotions and sensations at that moment were unbearable. Who could accept such a situation?

No matter how high and prestigious his position was, Jason was still just a normal human being with desires and emotions.

His face turned badly, and he felt the urge to explode in anger.

However, he restrained himself, taking a deep breath. His voice

Chapter 427 She Broke Her Promise

carried a hint of coldness and tremor as he asked, “Give me a reason, Aletta! We have made an agreement, that I will propose to you after a month. And now you say you will break your promise… What does that mean?”


Aletta seemed about to speak.

But before she could say a word, the call got disconnected.

Jason heard the busy tone and felt disbelief.

He widened his eyes and looked at his phone… It had indeed been hung up!

His face turned pale, and he suppressed his anger as he dialed again.

However, he received a message saying the phone was switched



Aletta didn’t expect her phone to run out of battery just as she reached the critical moment.

It was probably because these days she was unconscious, she hadn’t used it much, and Walt forgot to charge it.

at the black screen, Aletta

to Jason, and now the call had been abruptly cut

427 She Becke

wasting any time, Aletta hurriedly called for Walt

“What’s wrong?”

rushed in when he heard Aletta’s urgent call. He


Aletta pleaded anxiously.

eyes were already red, and now she was about to cry due to her

she had called Jason, but now he did not say anything more. He took the phone from the

while helping

it on, Jock and Kirk

have great news to tell

his tone

gaze toward

met with the president, and after hearing about your situation. The president

and her expression turned into delight, and

427 She

had spent so much time analyzing the ingredients

when they had made the worst decision,

in hand, the development of the antidote would be twice as

was hope

nodded, “It’s true! According to Lewis, the formula for X-1 was developed many years ago by the President and Professor

the original intention of the President was not to harm. people with the drug. It

of the steps were developed,

that years later. Professor

few minutes, Aletta’s emotions went through a

had a look of joy on her

that luck was still

reached a dead end, but unexpectedly, there

with joy and said, “So,

427 She Broke Her

749 Vouchers

gathered several elite teams to work on developing the antidote. I believe that soon, you will be

get ready.

they helped Aletta

about any complications on the way and administered

having problems walking, but she obediently followed

they headed to the airport, which was already

Aletta suddenly realized

forgotten to call

quickly said, “Jock, please turn on my phone.

“What’s wrong?”

Jock asked with confusion.

“I want to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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