Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 482

Chapter 482 Not Excluding the Start of a Relationship with Her

Upon being questioned like that, Ray immediately put on an innocent expression and said, “Why would I bother to cause trouble for you? After all, we’re friends. I’m just worried that you might get deceived.”

Flora felt speechless and said, “I’m an adult. How could I be deceived? Besides, the person I met is from a legitimate platform and has a legitimate profession. It’s all about trust, getting to know each other first…”

As she spoke, she suddenly stopped, realizing that she had almost revealed something.


Ray, being perceptive, caught on and asked, “What legitimate platform? What trust are you talking about?” “Well…”

Flora’s eyes dodged, feeling a bit guilty.

At the same time, she felt regret and wished she could bite her tongue.

I told you to watch your mouth!

Terry beside her couldn’t come up with an answer either and looked slightly embarrassed.

Chapter 482 Not Excluding the Start of a Relationship with Her

100% Bonus

At that moment, Dora, a girl who had been silently observing without uttering a word, suddenly smiled and spoke, “You two don’t seem like you’re on a blind date, do you?”

Flora pursed her lips and remained silent.

Ray narrowed his eyes and stared at her, asking, “If it’s not a blind date, then why did you lie to me?”

Flora rolled her eyes and said, “Who lied to you? Although we’re not on a blind date… this person might become my boyfriend someday!”

Even though it was just temporary…

In her mind, she silently added a sentence.

As if possessing mind-reading abilities, Dora smiled and said, “So, Terry is from one of those boyfriend rental agencies, right?”

Terry looked surprised.

Even Flora was astonished and blurted out, “How did you

know that?”

Lunar New Year, my parents were pressuring me to find a boyfriend, and I


Excluding the Start of a Relationship with

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time, she

Ray looked at her with a half-smile and said, “Renting a

“It’s none of your business! Can’t you focus on your blind date? Sitting down and bombarding Terry with

her cousin being reprimanded. Although she didn’t know the relationship between the young lady and her cousin in front. of her, she explained, “We’re not here for a blind date. either. I’m his cousin, you know, the kind with blood relations. His parents are my uncle

revelation. Moreover, for some reason, hearing this explanation

her change in demeanour, she glared at Ray and asked, “Since she’s your cousin,

he lie, but he also insisted on staying at their

It was simply ridiculous!

a meaningful

Excluding the Start of

100% Bonus

question but didn’t answer.

them, seemed to have figured out

why don’t we have a

we eat.”

“Terry is right.”

objections. He even raised the corners of his mouth,

between the few of them inexplicably

engaged in a lively discussion about their work and



filled with them. Aletta is truly amazing! The fragrances she creates are so unique. Every scent she

had a lively and talkative personality that was quite endearing. In her words, she praised Flora’s company’s products and complimented her best friend. As a result, Flora had a favourable impression

the Start of a Relationship

100% Bonus

products soon, including a commemorative edition. If you like it,

up with surprise and delight. “Really? That’s

and took out her phone to add Dora as

between girls could be

Ray suddenly gave Dora a subtle signal with his eyes. Dora

to Flora, “I’ll go freshen up. Do you want to come

“Sure,” Flora agreed eagerly.

soon went to the restroom to touch up

abruptly stopped the small talk, his gaze

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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