Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 484

As Jason watched the woman’s eyes sparkle, he couldn’t. help but smirk, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Ms. Rogers, with that gaze of yours, it’s as if you want to eat someone.”

Eat someone?

Indeed, Jason’s smooth and beautiful muscular physique. was genuinely tempting!

However, Aletta could only satisfy her eyes for a moment.

Innocently, Aletta blinked her eyes and denied, “No, no, it’s just a casual look. Even if I wanted to do something, I can’t. My health doesn’t allow it.”

Seeing that she was relying on her physical condition, Jason shamelessly teased her, his gaze darkening.

He leaned close to her in an instant, his voice low, “Well, it’s not entirely impossible. As long as you want it, anytime…”

A rush of hot breath sprayed on Aletta’s ear, causing her to blush.

Her face also showed a hint of pink as she hurriedly said, “No, please lie down and get comfortable quickly.”

As she spoke, she pushed Jason lightly, urging him to move faster.

Chapter 484 Playing Pretend

Observing her submissive demeanour, Jason chuckled softly, nodding in a good mood.

Soon enough, Jason was lying face down on the bed.

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Aletta took the opportunity to fetch massage oil and evenly applied it on his back and neck.

She gently reminded him during the massage, “The pressure will be quite strong, and it might be a bit sore, especially on the shoulders and neck. Just bear with it.”

Jason lazily responded, “Hmm, it’s fine…”

For him, the slight discomfort was insignificant.

Noticing his reaction, Aletta didn’t say anything further.

massage was completed, and she raised her head to

spoke, Aletta sat down by the edge of the

on the pillow, intending to browse work-related

his phone, a notification popped up-an image sent

thought it

opening it, he saw Ray’s

accompanied the post,

Chapter 424 Playing Pretend

© 100% Bonus

an eyebrow, unable to help but think about Ray’s

found Ray’s chatbox and sent a question mark as a message, followed by another

sentence that popped up on the screen, “Who else?

Jason chuckled, seemingly surprised.

this, couldn’t help but lower her

Jason handed her

through the messages

and blurted out, “They’re

responded with a noncommittal sound telling her, “Seems

still a bit

She was pretty puzzled.

Flora vehemently denying the possibility of them being together? How did they end

Chapter 484 Playing Pretend


immediately sent a WhatsApp message to her best friend, asking, “What’s going on with you

also saw that status

replied, a hint

Take your time to explain. I have nothing to do

when did Alta become

that her friend was genuinely concerned about her. So, Flora had no choice but to tell her about the

other out! As


have fallen into someone else’s

poked Jason’s side and asked, “Doesn’t Ray’s proposal seem

expression, Jason

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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