Chapter 504

With these thoughts in mind, Eaton immediately commanded the front desk, “Find a way to keep her there, don’t let her come up. I’m coming down immediately.”

“Understood, Eaton.”

The front desk hung up the phone after responding.

She didn’t understand what was going on with Joe, but she politely told people, “Just wait a moment, Eaton will be down soon.”

Joe snorted coldly and stood there with an arrogant expression on his face.

The more confident she looked, the more curious the people passing by became.

Even the front desk couldn’t help but observe Joe and wondered, “Could it be that the CEO has some unknown romantic history?”

While everyone was speculating, Eaton upstairs was preparing to come downstairs.

However, he ran into Aletta, who happened to be coming out.

Clearly having heard the conversation just now, she asked, “Who’s being stopped? Is there trouble?”

Jason was right behind her and, upon hearing that, he also looked at Eaton.

Eaton thought about what his boss had said, that he didn’t want to hear that woman’s name, so he had no choice but to brace himself and say, “That nuisance… came downstairs

claiming to be the boss’s fiancée and wanted to come up.”

Aletta frowned, feeling suffocated.

Being pursued by such a lunatic was truly terrifying.

Jason’s eyes filled with anger, and his tone dropped to freezing point. “Take them to the underground parking lot!”

Upon hearing this, Eaton knew his boss was furious, so he nodded and went downstairs.

After the people left, Jason spoke gently to Aletta, “Go to the R&D department first, I’ll handle this.”

“How are you going to handle it?”

Aletta stared at him, inquiring.

His expression seemed a little intimidating, as if he was about to slaughter someone.

She was worried, so she immediately hugged his arm and said, “I’ll go with you.”

Jason looked at her and spoke softly, “Alright, let’s go. I’m afraid it might scare you.”

“I won’t be scared.”

Aletta shook her head, “I’ve seen situations like that in the Alliance before, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”


they took the


also came down, accompanied by a few

approached Joe in a domineering manner.

wasted no time and ordered the bodyguards, “Take her away!”

word, swiftly approached Joe, and dragged her towards the

changed slightly, and she struggled

Let go of me!

filled with scorn, “Of course I

to say such things about me! Let go of me! I want to see Jason! How dare you treat me like

Joe fought desperately.

match for the professional bodyguards.

was dragged into the elevator and taken directly to the

Jason softly said to the person next to

blinked and calmly replied, “I’m not




he wasn’t being harsh

a sound of agreement, kissed her, then leaned over and took out a gun from the seat next

instant, Joe was brought

quickly look at your subordinates,

around him was as cold

“Joe, if

Jason’s sleeve, gently shaking it, and said, “I was a

words and looked

him, and her small face, the size of a palm, looked incredibly pure.

and the icy aura emanating from him immediately

Eaton couldn’t help but sigh inwardly after witnessing that,Did he

gotten angry, Eaton could feel the heavy sense of oppression!

few words from Aletta, she extinguished




Isn’t this love?

can see how indulgent our boss is towards Aletta.

Is Joe blind?

making advances towards her!

softened, and he whispered, “Don’t be

gun in his hand in a smooth


hearing their boss instruct, “Take


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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