Chapter 506 Nothing is more important than you

On the other side, in the underground garage:

After Jason and Aletta left, Eaton had initially planned to have

his bodyguards casually take the person to the nearest hospital for treatment. After all, he couldn’t risk causing a fatality. Wouldn’t that bring bad luck?

Then, he called Robin to inform her about Joe’s whereabouts.

Robin answered quickly on the other end of the line.

She said, “Eaton, I’ve already arrived in Los Angeles with my people. We’ll be leaving shortly, so you don’t need to rush us anymore!”

Upon hearing this, Eaton replied, “Perfect timing! Your

daughter is currently with me. Come and take her away!… And make sure to bring a doctor with you. I’ll give you the address.”

Upon hearing this, Robin’s heart sank.

Why would they need a doctor?

And how did her daughter end up with Eaton?

Had she caused trouble again?

Robin couldn’t afford to waste any time. She quickly brought her people and rushed over.

Thirty minutes later, in a deserted old house in the outskirts:

Robin finally saw her unconscious daughter lying on the ground.

Joe looked like a beaten dog, with a large bloodstain on her shoulder and a pale face.

Robin was startled and almost didn’t dare to approach. She said hesitantly, “Eaton, my daughter… ”

“Don’t worry, she’s still alive,” Eaton replied coldly. He glanced down at Joe on the ground. “She just learned a little lesson! Your precious daughter… She caused a scene at our Hill Group today, making baseless accusations against my boss.

Letting her live is already being lenient! I hope that once you take her back, you can discipline her properly and not let her roam freely. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee what she might become in the future!”

Eaton’s warning was evident in his words.

Robin heard it loud and clear, and naturally, it didn’t sit well with her. Joe was her daughter, after all, and seeing her tortured like this was undoubtedly heartbreaking.

However, she didn’t dare to provoke the authority of Hill Group.

the end, she could only comply and say, “Understood, I will definitely discipline her properly once we’re back. I apologize sincerely for causing

my daughter suffered from a severe case of

Nothing is more important than

This time, it seems like it has

was surprised to hear

to actually have an illness.

291 Vouchers

should be monitored closely so she won’t harm others,” he

this time, I’ll make sure someone keeps an eye on her…”

attitude, Eaton

doctor treated Joe’s injuries, he personally oversaw her boarding the

door again. According to Robin, this Joe has a severe psychological disorder and exhibits extremely paranoid tendencies towards certain

his brow in response.

the nail on the head with


since it’s already resolved, there’s no need to mention it

matter out of his mind

called and enthusiastically invited, “Jason, come over to my place for a barbecue

glancing at his watch, realized it was almost time to finish work and Aletta

replied, “Sure, I’ll

kids too, the


then hung up the phone to find someone

arrived, Aletta was completely absorbed in perfume blending and couldn’t tear

out in front of her, filled with liquids of different colors in hundreds of glass

slightly dangerous upon

been accomplished without taking a

a little displeased

girl truly doesn’t value

her back to the door and

other hand,

CEO’s expression turning a

her eyes at Aletta,

lift her

Lotus, fast update

coughing desperately, trying to get Aletta’s



gaze towards Lotus with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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