Chapter 510 She’s Going to Drive Me Crazy Sooner or Later!

Soon, Jason sat beside her and started teaching her hand in hand.

Aletta had been observing for a while and had grasped some patterns. With the help of the bigwig by her side and her good luck, she managed to win three consecutive rounds!

Flora, sitting across from her, held the remaining two cards. and was frozen like a statue, her face filled with disbelief.

The rest of the people burst into laughter on the side.

Unable to resist teasing, Lotus added, “Flora, you look like you’ve been struck by lightning…”

Seeing her expression, Ray couldn’t help but laugh too.

He patted Flora’s head and with a hint of amusement in his voice, he said, “I told you not to play with him, but you didn’t listen.”

At this moment, Flora finally accepted the reality, wearing a look of utter dejection.


How was I supposed to know this guy is unbeatable even without playing?

So, Aletta was quickly replaced.

Facing the two formidable opponents, Flora said directly,

You two lovebirds, just stay in your ban seats and don’t play!”

“Switch, Lotus and Eaton, come!” she commanded.

Before the start of the game, she warned the two of them as if guarding against thieves, “Alta, you just watch on the side, no teaching allowed!”

Aletta couldn’t help but cry and laugh, she said to the man next to her, “See! Because of you, I’m being excluded by them


Jason remained calm and said, “Sometimes, being strong is also a kind of trouble… Besides, the weak can only resist like


Flora was so annoyed that she almost threw the cards in her


“Don’t think I didn’t hear your malicious gossip!”

side and comforted, “Don’t

Flora won several consecutive rounds, feeling

her joy was built upon

a blind eye when you were secretly dealing cards, but now openly

beside him also realized what was happening.

I kept losing! So this is what’s happening! There’s no love on the

hearing their words, Flora finally

got the cards she needed when sorting her

couldn’t help but glance

nonchalantly, “Even if I

Eaton was speechless.

boss, Ray indeed never lost to anyone, which made him even more

to not let them have the upper hand, Eaton quickly brought their

any cards, they definitely won’t dare to beat

didn’t miss this opportunity and confidently said,

mess, each finding an excuse to play a card, leading Flora and Ray

eventually decided that whoever discarded all their cards first would

causing an overwhelming amount of

the end, Flora lost all the money on her

money and gave it to Aletta,

accepted with a beaming smile, “Thank you, my darlings, you’re amazing! We’ll use the money you won

friend and said gleefully, “Even if I’m not allowed at

and couldn’t


the evening,

home and said, “It’s getting late, we should head back. After all, the little ones have school tomorrow. We’ll come and visit


“Alright, take care on your way home. Send me a message when


the way back, Aletta took charge of driving since Jason had

a few drinks, so Ray arranged for a driver to take them home.

she asked Eaton, “Can you please


so, the two cars left, one after

end, Flora and Ray were the only ones

a gesture, placing her hands on her waist, and said, “Should I leave too? It’s getting late, and I should go


back, saying, “Don’t bother! I’ve been drinking and can’t drive you. You’ll stay


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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