Chapter 530 Why Are Your Hands Still Not Honest

Lewis was also taken aback by this revelation.

Raising his eyebrows, he instinctively looked at Jason, sounding surprised as he spoke, “Jason, you’ve also heard of this?”

Jason didn’t deny it and continued in a casual tone, “I’ve heard of it. Many years ago, this profession gained popularity, especially in South America. There was a mysterious organization dedicated to cultivating such individuals!”

“These people caused quite a stir, instilling fear worldwide. Eventually, various countries mobilized their forces to eradicate them, and they vanished.”

As he spoke, Jason seemed to have made a connection.

He looked directly at Lewis and asked, “Could there be a similar incident within your country’s Royal Family?”

After a brief hesitation, Lewis felt there was no reason to hold back from these two.

He nodded and replied, “A minister was manipulated and caused trouble. I won’t delve into the details. Fortunately, my father became aware of it and took action.”

“At present, the minister is under control. I need to rush back to investigate and find a way to deal with this!”

Aletta’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing this, and she immediately cautioned, “Lewis, be cautious when you return. There could be a hypnotist lurking within your Royal Family!”

Lewis reassured her with a comforting smile.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. You should focus on taking care of your health and wait for the next treatment.”

After that, the three of them didn’t engage in further. conversation.

Upon reaching the dock, Lewis departed first to meet the person who came to pick him up.

Aletta and Jason returned together to their residence in FRANCE.

Given her current physical condition, she couldn’t afford to be as active as she was a few days ago.

Therefore, Jason took her directly back to their FRANCE residence.

as soon as they entered the house, Aletta felt. dizzy and began

for support, she

held her in his arms and asked, “What’s

a slight fever…”

touched her forehead.

became instantly anxious, carrying her in his arms and declaring, “I’ll take you to the

alright, it’s just the cold weather

placing her on the bed, and promptly

almost identical

a final admonition, “Monitor her fever closely. She should be fine.

this, Jason felt a sense of

gazed at him with her wide eyes, seemingly saying, “I told you it’s alright, but you didn’t listen and got so worried…”

and playfully pinched Aletta’s cheek,

“I know!”

responded with a

within grasp. She felt truly happy and enjoyed

room, keeping a close

the fever subsided

based on this situation, Jason didn’t dare to book a ticket

a decision, saying, “Let’s stay in FRANCE for a few more days before

was a rare opportunity, and Aletta had no objections. She smiled and said,

the fever had subsided, she still felt weak, and the snow outside was

concerned about her going out in the

they stayed inside the room, warming themselves by the fireplace in the hall, boiling hot water, brewing tea, and snuggling up

a lazy kitten, wrapped up in a blanket, resting her

noon, Flora called.

condolences, saying, “Aletta,

month, we can proceed with the third stage to fully

he was handsome

jawline, the lines were sharp and well-defined, giving off

hand to touch

but smile, looking down at her and playfully nibbling on one of her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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