Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 532

Chapter 532 Wait For You No Matter How Long It Takes

While Aletta was on the phone, even though there was no speakerphone, Black still caught every word that was being said. He went wild on the spot, stretching his neck to listen and asked angrily, “Jason, who are you calling delicate?”

A cold and furious voice echoed in his ears as Jason coolly replied, “Who’s the one currently sick and in need of Aletta’s treatment?”

Black, feeling both criticized and loved, exclaimed, “!!!”

He immediately wanted to throw off the blanket and head downstairs to confront Jason.

However, Aletta glanced over lightly, squinting her eyes, “Do you want to dislodge the needles? If you dare to move even one, I won’t continue treating you!”

Black was so enraged that he could breathe fire, but due to Aletta’s threat, he gritted his teeth and could only lie back…

Seeing him comply, Aletta withdrew her gaze and said to the other end of the phone, “Wait for me a bit, I’ll come down after treating him.”

Jason responded tenderly, “Okay, take your time, don’t overexert yourself. I’ll wait for you as long as it takes.”

There was evident affection in his voice.

Chapter 532 Wait For You No Matter How Long It Takes

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Aletta couldn’t help but chuckle, sweetly responding with an


Witnessing this scene, Vincent couldn’t help but glance at Black and commented, “Look at Jason! That’s how you speak to someone you care about, with tenderness and not the constant viciousness and sarcasm. No wonder he’s won Miss

Aletta’s love!”

Black naturally noticed it too.

He scowled deeply, his gaze filled with heaviness, and he felt a tightness in his chest and shortness of breath.

Although he had accepted the fact that the two of them were a couple, witnessing their display of affection firsthand still made Black extremely uncomfortable.

It was simply blinding to the eyes!

So, he put on an intensely disgusted expression and spoke in a harsh tone, “Aletta! Look at how worthless you are!”

this person never have

you’re the most valuable one! Next time you’re too sick

to him and turned directly to Vincent, asking, “What information do you have so

her question, Vincent didn’t hide anything and answered directly, “Well, the

522 Wait For You No Matter How Long


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elder who should be punished by Black family, is currently locked in the

this, a trace of coldness flashing in the corners

that Black family had a long history and held onto more

would only be locked up in the dungeon if they had

this time, Carla had been an

too far in their

“They accused Mrs. Carla of

deepened, and discontent surged

winning someone over?

so many years and has practically

is simply a case of

Wait For You

turned grim,

many people in this world whom he cared about, but Carla was one

288 Vouchers

in any way, he would make sure to eliminate

said to Aletta, “In a few days, during Black family meeting to discuss the transfer of power, I will attend

Aletta nodded.

he should

kidnapping Carla was undoubtedly a clear way to

difficult for you to leave Black family meeting? After all, the elders in your family are so unscrupulous. Won’t you

her concern, Black’s cold and stern

gloomy as he replied, “No, I’ll handle it. Those insignificant ants are not enough

at the man for a few seconds. Seeing no

need anything, remember to

For You Pla Matter

any time.”

288 Vouchers

before he could speak, Black gave

family were ruthless and merciless. The day of the meeting would undoubtedly be dangerous and

was uncertain whether they would be able to

important personnel to

Black’s plan was akin to entering a sea of knives

said this because he didn’t want Miss Aletta to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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