Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 538

soon as he entered, he reported to Jason, “Mr. Hill, everything has been arranged properly. Mr. Alex has already set off to attend the Black family gathering, and the rescue mission for Carla is scheduled for tonight as well.”

Jason raised his gaze and asked, “Has everything been arranged properly?”

Eaton nodded, “Mr. Alex’s men will take action first tonight, and our people will act accordingly.”

Jason nodded, “Don’t make any mistakes and make sure Carla is rescued safe and sound.”


Aletta felt uneasy after Eaton left. She had a feeling that


However, Jason had no intention of discussing these matters with Aletta.

Firstly, it was an internal affair of the Black family, telling her would only increase her burden. Secondly, she was his wife, so what did Alex’s business have to do with her?

Soon, Jason took Aletta back.

Aletta didn’t see Eaton again, nor did she ask where he had


The next day, Eaton finally appeared.

As soon as he entered, he reported to Jason, “Mr. Hill, everything has been arranged properly. Mr. Alex has already set off to attend the Black family gathering, and the rescue mission for Carla is scheduled for tonight as well.”

and asked, “Has

Alex’s men will take action first tonight, and

any mistakes and make


Eaton left. She had


was going to

will come back safely, right? I feel anxious,”


her into his embrace, comforting her, “Don’t worry,

gradually calmed down as she

Jason was right.

had taken action this time, and Carla would

her head, and said to Jason, “Then I’ll go

she saw Jason’s

is like reading


her health

tell from the exhaustion in her eyes since she came


was taken aback by Eaton’s straightforward

a while, but eventually couldn’t resist asking. “Is this how your family investigates things? Going straight to someone’s house

“Not exactly. The main point is to be direct, just cut to the chase! Why

small talk and get

the other party’s approach. It took him a

situation to Eaton.

course, he still withheld certain details about

and Black’s situation.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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