Ex-Husband’s Regret: Barren Mommy Has Quadruplets Chapter 544

Chapter 544 The Touch Will Be Better

The two embraced each other as they slept.

Aletta woke up in the evening to find that Jason had already gotten up and was handling business on his tablet by her side.

Sensing her movement, he lowered his gaze and looked over.

Aletta, who was still in a half–conscious state, appeared different from her usual capable self. Her drowsy face had a hint of innocence, making her seem somewhat`adorable.

Unconsciously stretching like a lazy cat, she exuded an indescribable softness.

Jason was in a good mood. He raised his hand to tousle her long hair and said, “Take your time. We’ll have dinner later.”

Aletta rubbed her eyes and chuckled, “As soon as I wake up, I eat, and after eating, I sleep… I’m going to gain some weight.”

Jason couldn’t help but chuckle, “If that’s the case, it would be best if you become plump and chubby… The touch would be better too.”

Aletta made a sound of protest and pulled down his hand. “I don’t want to become plump and chubby. I just want to restore to my previous state.”

Jason smiled, not denying that her previous state was perfect.

Chapter 4

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Her waist and legs were slender, and her figure was perfect.

The two lingered in bed for a while before finally getting up to have dinner.

Aletta was feeling better and had a much better appetite.

Seeing this, Jason felt pleased and barely stopped serving her dishes.

Looking at the food in her bowl, it seemed like it would never be finished.

Aletta couldn’t help but wonder if Jason was really planning to fatten her up like a pig.

After dinner, Aletta felt full, so she walked around the hall to aid digestion.

p.m., she received a call from

Carla has woken up. Would you like to

hearing this, Aletta responded, “Yes, I’ll come

walk anymore. She told Jason, “Carla has woken up, and I’m

I’ll take you

Jason agreed without hesitation.

quickly left and

went straight

condition wasn’t great. She had a breathing tube inserted in her nose

state, Aletta couldn’t help

her, her eyes were filled with overflowing tenderness, and her cracked lips struggled

to say something but couldn’t

she was trying to

reassuring her with a smile, “Carla, you are as important as my parents. Fortunately, we were able to rescue you in time. I’m glad


worried after

So, she truthfully informed Carla about

Carla relaxed, and her

which was a

the Tour de


everything is over now. Nobody will harm you again. You should rest and recover, let’s discuss


the outcome, Carla could completely let go of her worries and soon drifted back

didn’t disturb her

outside, and when he saw her coming

than expected, and her condition is relatively stable. However, she is still very weak, and she needs

hand, comforting her,

nodded and said, “Let’s go


they reached the door, Vincent hurriedly arrived

quickened, and

looked at

speaking, “Well, Mr. Alex’s condition isn’t good. The

544 The Touch Will Be

288 Vouchers

in a deep coma. I wouldn’t want to trouble you, but now the Black family is in chaos, and many matters require Mr. Alex’s presence. That’s why

beg both of

he spoke, he bowed to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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