Chapter 683 Hiding Kirk

About an hour later, they passed a dense forest.

From a distance, Lewis saw several people lying on the road not far away.

There are traces of a fight on the side.

“Don’t move, I’ll go down and have a look!”

After Lewis finished speaking, he got out of the car and approached carefully.

Before long, he came back.

“It’s the people from the Yargsbourgh black market, they are all dead, it seems that they have already fought a wave.

I’ve checked around, and I haven’t found anyone from your Mr. Hill so far, and they probably all went deep into the woods. ”

While speaking, Lewis got back into the car.

The car started quickly and continued to the abandoned winery.

The road was not easy to drive. After driving for more than ten minutes, Aletta and the others finally saw someone from the King League.

The fighting is over and they are taking count.

It was Sam who led the team!

Aletta recognized the person immediately.

“It’s Jason’s men! Lewis, stop!”

Hearing this, Lewis put down his vigilance and stopped the car.

Aletta went down quickly, running over there in a hurry, yelling, “Sam!”

Lewis and Kirk followed her.

When the car drove over, there was a sound, and Sam was also wary of people


He was very surprised to see Aletta’s figure getting out of the car, and raised his hand to signal his subordinates to put away their weapons.

Then, he quickly stepped forward to greet her respectfully, and asked, “Ma’am, why are you here?”

around, but there was no figure she was looking for, so she immediately

understood that the lady came

abandoned winery, the situation over there is chaotic, we

heart was undoubtedly in a mess, and there were countless panics and uneases

seeing that man immediately can

also recognized Sam, and immediately asked, “Is your side over,


nodded in response.

case, madam, you should not go, or just stay and watch from a distance. Otherwise, if you have

next to her spoke up first and said something for her, “You don’t have to worry about

this, Sam considered

the World Medical Alliance, he had seen it

had no choice but to agree: “In that case, I

group of people quickly

Sam took a few people and took a

an hour later, they reached a high point behind the

people from the King League, among them, there

immediately turned

aloud, “How’s

of them replied: “It should be over soon, our manpower is going to

speaking, Sam had already picked up the binoculars on the side and glanced

“Mr. Hill and the

him couldn’t bear it anymore, and urged: “Show

her the

the abandoned winery with Lenny on his arm, with Eaton and his

got another telescope.

saying: “Aletta, your Mr. Hill doesn’t seem

Aletta said “hmm”.

stiffness, and

was about to be

that place the sniper you arranged, it’s reflective.”

him heard the words


expression changed instantly, and

serious tone: “No, we

moment the voice fell, everyone heard a

288 Vouchers

was distracted by Kirk’s words and didn’t pay attention to what happened

this moment.

and Eaton, who helped

eyes were dull, and the telescope in his hand dropped with a ‘snap, as

target is

it, and said nervously: “No, the three fell to the ground, someone

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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