Chapter 726 Afraid of Losing Her

The situation at the scene quickly became chaotic.

A lot of people gathered around the scene of the incident.

Bonnie looked at Aletta on the other side of the green belt, his eyes. were tearing apart, and he hammered the steering wheel in anger.

Aletta, you’re in luck this time!

He failed twice in a row, and there were more and more people. Bonnie didn’t dare to make trouble anymore, so he could only turn the steering wheel in a hurry and leave the scene first.

Aletta’s mind was in chaos, and now she gradually calmed down, and after confirming that there was no danger around her, she came out from the green belt and carried the two children out together.

At this time, Otto took Nina and ran towards them in a panic.

The two little eyes were red, and when they opened their mouths, the little voice was crying with fear.

“Mum, where are you hurt? Does it hurt?”

“Mommy is fine.”

Aletta comforted, and then checked Lucas and Lyla.

When the danger came, Lyla was held in her arms all the time, nothing happened.

When Lucas fell into the green belt, he got a red mark on his cheek, but he didn’t break the skin and bleed, and he was not injured elsewhere.

Aletta was slightly relieved, but her own injuries made the children cry with worry.

Tears could not be controlled and the beans fell.

“Mommy is bleeding!”

Nina pursed her mouth, trying not to cry, and took Aletta’s hand.

Aletta’s elbow injury was caused when the car rushed over for the first time and fell to the ground.

From the elbow to the forearm and wrist, there were scrapes with mottled blood, and the outer clothes were all torn.

As for the face, there are also two red marks, one of which is still slightly bloodshot.

But at this moment, Aletta didn’t care about the pain at all.

Because, not far away, she saw a figure lying in a pool of blood, it was Jenny!

This scene is too shocking!

pupils shrank slightly,

now, when she was pushed, she

was Jenny!

him before, and repeatedly destroyed his

was stunned for a while, but

bodyguards in the dark

you all right?”

anxious and

to Aletta to protect her

dark, but they witnessed a dangerous scene just now, and they

it was still a step too slow and

for someone pushing them at a critical

fine. You help look after the child, I’ll go over there and have

say more, she was all about

medicine kit from the car.”

this sentence, she has already hurried



had never seen Jenny like this.

she had just

to check carefully.

the car, Jenny suffered

Losing He

judged from the blood spitting out of her mouth that the strong impact just now was most likely

fractures appeared on her

also has a wound on her forehead, which is

concussion is probably

rough diagnosis.

bodyguard brought the medicine kit



tried to calm down.

without deepening the injury, he started to do simple bleeding and emergency treatment for Jenny

she had to find a way to stabilize Jenny’s situation

onlookers didn’t know Aletta’s identity. Seeing her

you’re hurt, are

this man looks seriously injured,

for the ambulance to come!”

people in the crowd who

I’m a doctor, I have to help

said and her skillful first aid techniques,

Meanwhile, neighboring cities.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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