Chapter 0131

I shrug “Sure, if that’s how you want to take it


“One word from me and Rowan will be on your ass we’ve danced this game before Avs You know all !

Ave. have to tell Rowan is that you’ve been rude to me and he will blow up on you

Before, that would have made me bow down. I desperately didn’t want to have any more problems with Rowan, so i would let her humiliate me. She would revel in it. Feeling powerful that she was able to reduce me to nothing


I give her a smile. “Go ahead. I honestly don’t give a fuck in fact, why don’t you take your phone out night now and call him?” I challenge her.

“You think I won’t?”

“I’m counting on you doing it I reply smugly.

Slowly by slowly, the self–esteem I thought I had lost after Ethan betrayed me was starting to come back Never will I allow a man to make me hit rock bottom again,

“What’s going on here? a stem voice says

staring between us. We

is the one I use when building Hope Houses. She

is a family company and she was a shareholder, but

were all hers:

suggest you kick her out” Anita

business when she started calling me

smirk. Folding my hands across my chest as I watch her make

is. No one though, knows that we know each other. I was

start. Unlike Rowan, Corinne wasn’t

that so?” she asks, her

never let myself get too close to her. She wanted us to be friends, but at that time I thought that no

I kept her at arm length. Only talking to her when

was involved.

her friends a small signal and they all agree with her. What a bunch




no cameras?” he asks them 7 saw everything and then you dare

moment Anita realizes she has fucked up. She swallows hard, panic etched

she struggles to say, clutching

“Get out!”

said get out of my fucking restaurant! I won’t have a lowly bitch with no manners try and humiliate my friend in my own fucking restaurant” Corrine was seething and it was written

she called me her


want me to have my body guards

food here isn’t

that she’s lying. This was one of the best

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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