Facade of Love

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Moore is not a Scott

After bidding Officer Jackson farewell, I exited the police station. Idris kept his gaze on me, silent.

I expected him to ask something, but he remained quiet.

Finally, I broke the silence. “Thank you for today.” If it hadn’t been for his reminder to involve the police, my hatred for Alex would have driven me to act rashly. Given my limited abilities, I might have ended up reliving the events of five years ago. This time, I might not be as lucky as to get to return home.

He did not respond, just looked at me and asked, “Yvette, how did you manage to escape five years ago?”

I was taken aback and met his probing gaze. For a moment, I almost spilled everything, but Madam Young’s words echoed in my mind, steadying my emotions. “The police rescued me,” I said. “You heard Officer Jackson. They went through hell and high water to find me.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly, studying me. “Is that so? Then what did you mean by what you said to Moore in the side yard?”

I remembered. That day at the old house, I called Moore an imposter. I was bitter then, and I had deliberately provoked Moore and sowed seeds of doubt in Idris.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “What could it mean? It was just me talking nonsense. Besides, if you feel suspicious, why don’t you investigate how long Moore was at the border five years ago?”

“I trust her. There’s no need for these pointless actions. Since you’re spouting nonsense, you’d better watch

be turned

watched his retreating figure, I felt

in comparison to his feelings for Moore. If it ever came down to a conflict

he found out that I was the one who suffered with him in the water prison five years ago and the one who fled with him, he would not easily let go of Moore. After all, they had once

un the

the sadness welling up in my chest, I took a deep breath and made a

residence, my mother was sitting in the

my father passed, she had been like this. Hearing

gaze was somewhat vacant. “Yvette, is Idris

“He’s fine. Just a minor scrape, nothing serious. He’s already

she nodded and let

cemetery?” The situation had been too chaotic then, and I did not have time to ask her what

gaze flickering uncertainly as if she did not

out of curiosity, but her reaction made me more suspicious. I asked again,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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