Facade of Love

Chapter 136

Chapter 136 Don’t Call Me That Anymore.

At the harbor, after Officer Jackson took away Lucas‘ other subordinates, he came over to greet us. After a brief exchange, he turned to me and said, “Ms. Scott, I will report the details of this incident to my superiors. Thank you for your significant help. Without you, we might have let Lucas escape.”

I shook my head, still somewhat uncertain, and asked him, “Officer Jackson, is Lucas really dead? Did you find his b*dy?”

Officer Jackson smiled faintly and reassured me, “The explosion of the yacht was quite powerful, destroying many things. Lucas‘ b*dy was probably incinerated, and given the vastness of the sea, can’t salvage his remains. But don’t worry, he was shot in the leg, wounded in the arm by you, and injured during the fight with Mr. Young in the cabin. In such a condition, he had no chance to jump into the sea or save himself in just a few seconds, so his death is certain.”

Relieved by his explanation, I felt much lighter.

After a pause, remembering Alex, I asked, “Officer Jackson, was Alex caught?”

“Yes, he was caught,” he replied, and continued, “Caleb and Bennett too. Don’t worry, we will give you a proper explanation.”

I nodded and thanked him.

After speaking with me, Officer Jackson turned to Idris, hesitating slightly with a hint of regret on his face, “Mr. Young, the clue from Lucas might be temporarily lost. For now, we can only hope that his subordinates can provide some useful information.”

Idris pursed his l*ps, his handsome face showing a hint of coldness. He nodded slightly without saying much. He was never one to show his emotions, but I could see from the faint gleam in his eyes that he was disappointed.


I wondered, puzzled. What clue was Officer Jackson talking about? Why was Idris disappointed?

events of five years ago. Even now, I could not understand how someone

into others‘ secrets, so I had never asked. However, now, hearing Officer Jackson’s words, I could not help but speculate. Was Idris looking for something

with Idris. He just sighed

handle other matters

did not ask anything more. Instead, I focused on his already injured hand, now gruesomely wounded from the brutal fight with Lucas. I could not bear to look directly

his hand and then at me, his l*ps parting slightly. “I thought you were

did not respond and turned to enter the cabin.

to be vented. At the moment I learned of the

the slightest sympathy for him, but when he jumped off the yacht and desperately rushed toward me, pushing me out of the cabin at the last moment before the

it was

turmoil, we were

after going through so much, I was still unable

priority was to retrieve the funds

the sooner Maxwell could breathe a


Lake City Airport

was already past midnight. Idris had returned with me, and we

cab, Idris stopped me. “I’ve asked Ensio to come

not going the same way, so let’s

saying that, I opened the door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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