Chapter 128

I let him go, but step to the edge of the banister to watch him as

he heads back downstairs. I see that his hands are clenched into

fists, his knuckles white. The only thing belying the tension behind

that strange question he just asks.

And frankly, I would consider it.

Did I want to marry Daniel?

What were the alternatives? Were any of them anything I could

actually accept?

“Are you ready?” Daniel asks, coming out of his room in a chic suit, looking so much like his dad at that moment that I just stare

at him. He blinks at me, confused.

And I realize that there is absolutely no heat between us, between

Daniel and I.

and Kent…

forest fire, if we weren’t

I supposed to do with that?

morning I get up very early, stretching my arms over

Chapter 128


let me go visit my sister and my dad this afternoon. I haven’t seen my


of bed swiftly,

really nice and well, Kent had been

Instead, the experience just solidified for me just how much of our marriage will be

instead of something else. Something spicier.

tight riding pants, I consider Kent’s words last night. Is marriage to Daniel really my best choice in this world? Did I really want to trade my hand in marriage – my own trump card, apparently – for something I’m sure

there are other ways to demonstrate my loyalty to the Lippert family – and keep the


surprises me, then, by turning

He noticed me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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