Chapter 143

“Come on,” I say, pulling on Daniel’s sleeve and tugging him towards the back garden. “Let’s talk somewhere quiet.”

Daniel anxiously follows me out the back door, looking behind us to see if anyone’s followed before pulling the door shut. I sit down at the little table and wait for him to join me, my mind spinning as I try to decide what to say and how to say it.

“So?” Daniel asks, sitting tense in the chair beside me.

“Um,” I say, looking down into my coffee. “Your dad knows that someone was in your room with you last night. That you had a ‘midnight visitor.‘ And you…well, that you weren’t playing scrabble with them.”

Daniel’s face is grave now and I see him curse under his breath as he looks away from me, his eyes going unfocused as he quickly sorts through the consequences of this development. “But he doesn’t know who?” Daniel asks quietly after a long pause.

“No,” I murmur, watching him closely.

Slowly, Daniel turns his head and looks back at me. “But you do.”

I bite my lip and raise my hands to play with my hair. Before I can touch the end of my red ponytail, though, I realize what I’m doing

Chapter 143


fold my hands back in my lap. I just give

slow nod.

Daniel curses, breathing out a big breath and looking up

figures out what he wants to

anyone, right, Fay?” he demands. “That you will ruin

at the accusation behind his words. But then I snap my mouth shut, realizing that I did consider doing just that

could get you and him in big trouble. I can’t believe that you would even think that I would!” I point my hand to my chest now for emphasis. “I’m the one who dragged your father out of

doing, Fay?” Daniel hisses, leaning forward, suddenly furious with me but eager to keep his voice low. “You were looking through my keyhole? Spying on

Chapter 143


to harp on in this situation? Not the fact that I saved you from your dad figuring out your secret, one that I am continuing to keep, but that I was spying on you? Yeah, I heard noises from your room – I

down and looked through the keyhole on my door. And do you think, maybe, that the reason my dad was so curious about what was going on in my room was not because of noises

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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