Chapter 0353

“Maybe order a pizza?” I say, hopeful. Dad he laughs and goes to make the call. I dig eagerly into the greasy hot pizza about an hour later, absolutely starving. Because that’s how I am these days — just constantly hungry and constantly snacking to keep the nausea away.

Because the moment that I stepped into my second trimester...

Let's just say that the easy nature of my first trimester? When I wondered whether I was pregnant, because I couldn’t feel — at all — that I was pregnant?

Well. That went the hell out the window.

I woke up in the middle of the night one night, green to the gills, and rushed to my bathroom to barf up absolutely everything in my stomach. And it honestly feels like I have been nauseous every single second since that first night.

thing that keeps the nausea at bay is constantly eating. And my solution to this — to which no one has yet protested — is to keep snacks in every corner of the house so that I can wander from room to room and

as she sits in my bathroom with me, watching me lean over my sink to put a little mascara on my eyelashes. I turn to look at her

murmur, suddenly blushing as I realize how weird it is. But my

around me and to run her hand over my belly, which is just barely

little Princess Baby doing in

a little chagrined. “Wish she'd lay off the nausea trigger a little

giving me a big kiss on the cheek. “Make her barf so much she needs bathroom

say, grinning. “We still don’t know, and

she leaves me alone in the bathroom. “She until proven otherwise! Besides,” she shrugs, calling over her shoulder,

conceding the point, and I turn to the mirror and grimace a little, and then look down at my belly. “What do you think, little baby,” I murmur, running a hand over my little pot belly. “You’re she until proven otherwise, while

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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