Chapter 0362

I say nothing, but when Ivan looks back at my face he grins a little, shaking his head. “See?” he says, reaching out to put a hand on my shoulder. "I’m onto something there. Don't trust him, Fay.

But I frown and pull my shoulder out from beneath Ivan’s hand. “You should go.” I say, hard. Because even if lvan has a point? Jerome has done nothing but be good to me, and help me, and prove himself a good and loyal friend. And I’m not going to let Ivan shake that faith now — not when he directly benefits from it.

“Fay,” van says, his face suddenly sad. “I’m sorry —I didn’t mean to —*

“Yes, you did.” I snap, glaring up at him. “You were deliberately nasty up there tonight. to Daniel and to Jerome — you threw that in their face and couldn't keep the smile off your mouth. And now you're trying to drive a wedge between us. You're being deliberately manipulative, Ivan,” I say, shaking my head at him, “and itis not a good look on you. So would you please go, and stop trying to destroy what's left of my life?”

Ivan purses his lips as he looks at me, but I can see that he’s well aware that what I've said is fair.

“lam sorry, Fay,” he murmurs, and then he sighs and looks down again. “You're right. I...wasn't trying to be nice.” “Well at least you admit it.” I sigh, stepping away from him.

“Can I at least —“

snap, glaring at him.

you soon, okay?” I don't respond, and after a few seconds he climbs into his car and drives away. I stand alone in the driveway for a few minutes after he’s gone,

was just trying to

it worked.

trusting Jerome as much as I

I hear the house door

Daniel asks. “It's

then slowly walk over to where he's. 2 waitingwith a blanket. He wrapsit wa miy around my shoulders and I smile-up at him, touched

Danny,” I murmur, stepping closer and letting him wrap his arms around me. “He shook you up, didn't

“Do you


a seed of doub in my doesn’t > matter. Jerome's so thoroughly a> part oAMy plan now that even if did decidé not to trust him...well,<~ everything would

guess I'm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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