Chapter 98

Grace’s body turned cold. She looked ahead. Louise was waving at Brian’s car by the roadside,

Grace could not believe her own guess.

If that man’s appearance wasn’t a coincidence, then there was only one possibility. He’s here to look for Louise!‘ Grace thought.

The car stopped in front of Louise.

A beautiful smile blossomed on Louise’s face and she opened the door of the passenger seat. “Brian, come on.”

She looked at Grace who was in the backseat and her expression froze. “Grace… why are you here?”


Brian explained, “She went to the hospital for a checkup. I bumped into her on the way back.”

Louise looked at Grace and nodded thoughtfully, “Oh, I see.”

Brian got out of the car and closed the door. “Let’s go.”

Louise glanced at Grace and smiled at her. “Grace, come with me to take a look at mine and Brian’s new house.”

Louise’s voice gave Grace the sickening feeling of a snake’s

at her, it was as if a poisonous snake was clinging to her neck

“No, thank you. I’m not feeling well. I want to sit in the car for a

a moment. “Alright, I’ll go up with

Grace nodded blankly.

into the villa side by side.

in love with a

appeared gentle and perfect in front of everyone, but there was something dark and murderous under that gentle

Brian standing on my side last night, she must have hated me. Therefore, she can’t sit still and plans to


gradually rise from the soles of her feet and spread to her limbs and bones.

do? There’s only half a month left. I just want the days to pass

out after looking at the house. The two of


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touise got into the passenger seat Grace subconsciously shrank

up to the comer, and her body could not help but tremble

she reached out to han utan freest his hand

it hurt dace to

night, dace was absent minded and looked like a lost soul

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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