Chapter 110

Louise was very frustrated. She deliberately leaned into Brian’s arms intimately and raised her head to kiss him from time

to time.

Brian did not stop her and hugged her waist dotingly.

Although Louise was looking at Brian, she was still paying attention to Grace from the corner of her eye.

She thought that Grace would leave when she saw them being intimate, but Grace did not. Instead, Grace stood there shamelessly and watched.

Grace looked at them expressionlessly, while her heart felt like it was being pricked by needles.

Just as Louise was about to provoke Grace again, Brian suddenly grabbed her wrist. “Stop fooling around. This is a public place.”

Louise froze for a moment before she burst out laughing. “Brian, are you shy?”

Brian pulled her and stopped her from doing whatever she wanted.

stopped me because of Grace!” Louise thought.

look at Grace. “Grace, I’m thirsty.

was stunned for a moment. “Oh,

they were

There were few people here, and a strong sense of uneasiness rose

were people. She looked around.

took out her phone and called

phone picked up on

nervously, “Where

could hear the slight tremble in her voice. He

her location. Brian did not hang up

walking over, her

and saw that something was wrong

looked down and suddenly reached out to

made him frown. “Why are your hands so cold in this warm weather? Is something

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Chapter 110

quickly pulled her finger away and shook her head.

low voice, “Since we’re outside to play, you should be

could I be happy to see the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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