Chapter 149

“But I haven’t drawn in a long time. I don’t know if the talismans I draw now meet your requirements.”

“Don’t worry. I know your style. It matches our magazine. Do you have any requirements for the royalties?”

Grace had never thought about collecting money. He simply felt that he could help draw one when he had the


Hearing Grace’s silence, the other party said, “How about this? I’ll pay you the royalties according to the standards of the artist the company found previously. I’ll hang up first. Bye.”

The other party sent her a draft request and transferred 100 dollars to her.

“Here’s the deposit. I’ll forward the rest to you when the drawings are ready.”

She was shocked to learn that an illustration could earn more than 200 dollars.

Grace was shocked. Although she had learned how to draw before, she had never understood this industry.

Grace instantly became energetic. He took out his tablet and began to draw.

her two days to finish it. She had earned two thousand dollars


Internet. It was very difficult to earn money from the beginning if one wanted to be an illustrator

too many individual illustrators.

comics. There would be a fixed income

a week studying the outline, plot and finding inspiration. After doing all the preparation work,




Chapter 149

a contract notification. Her



did not receive any more ingredients or nutritional supplements these few days, but Justin Vance would still buy her a lot of things when

serialization, Grace’s comics

day. Sitting in front of the floor–to–ceiling window every day to bask in the sun and

comics style of the Grace serialization was relatively


was like a cup of warm milk. It was exquisite and smooth. There

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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