Grace walked over to help Daisy up, saying, "Dad will be fine. Don't cry." Daisy grabbed her arm urgently. "Go pay for your dad's surgery! Hurry!" Grace nodded and swiftly ascended to the second-floor to settle the fee.

On her way back, she noticed a doctor conversing with Daisy.

Grace hastened her steps and approached them.

"The injury is severe. The rebar is perilously close to the nerves in his leg. You must prepare yourself. There's a significant chance we won't be able to save his leg," the doctor explained. Daisy felt a rush of dizziness and leaned back, supported by Carson.

Grace seized the doctor's sleeve. "Doctor, you mentioned it's possible. You didn't definitively say his leg can't be saved. So, there's still hope, right? Please, do everything you can to save my dad's leg! I implore you..."

"Please remain calm. We will certainly do our utmost. However, if the situation necessitates, we may have to amputate. I hope you understand. If you agree, please proceed to the nurse's station and sign the surgery consent form."

At the mention of amputation, Daisy's legs weakened. "No... No... He can't lose his leg!"

She instinctively pulled Grace closer. "Grace, think a way quickly! If anything happens to your father, then what should we do?"

Grace furrowed her brow in distress. She wasn't a doctor. What could she do?


suddenly thought

mind, and with trembling hands,

and there was even a hint of

voice quivered as she said, "Justin,

heightened. "What's happened to your dad?

Hospital now.

the doctor said there's a high chance he mightdose his leg and it'll

worry. I'll be there right

another coworker before grabbing his car keys and

he arrived, panting and breathless as

air, he inquired, "Where's


attending doctor's office. Justin conversed with the doctor about her father's condition The doctor glanced

affirmed with a nod. "Show me the patient. I'll

follow me,"

her while stealing glances inside. Upon seeing Justin emerge, she rushed

fine. Don't

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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