"Justin, I need to talk to you," Grace said, pulling him to the end of the hallway with determination.

Justin glanced at her, knowing that she was just afraid that he would say something she did not want to hear, so she deliberately brought him here.

Amused, Justin asked, "What's the matter? What do you have to say to me?"

Grace actually had nothing to say to him. She smiled awkwardly under Justin's gaze, feeling a pang of embarrassment.

She gathered her thoughts before speaking. "Remember when I asked you about blood types yesterday? It's actually about me."

Justin's expression turned serious.

Grace continued, "I found out I have A-type blood. I might not be my parents' biological daughter. Or perhaps, my father isn't who I thought he was, and neither is my mother." Justin frowned. "What do you plan to do about it?"

Grace reached into her bag and produced two hairs. "I'm going to talk to my dad. That would be great if he's willing to tell me the truth, but if not, I'll have to find out on my own." Justin nodded in support. "That sounds like a plan."

Just then, Daisy came over. Grace quickly gathered the hairs in her hand.

"What were you two talking about? Finished already? Let Dr. Vance come in and sit down when you're finished," Daisy said.

"Dr. Vance mentioned he had a meeting this afternoon," Grace replied calmly.

looked at Justin

opting not to make things difficult for her, so he nodded

make a call to you tonight,"

a deep

ward, Grace deliberately


"Mom, why don't


make lunch?

and keep Dad company."

your brother to pick up the food later. I'll go back and

had left, Frederick started to

Grace adjusted the head of the hospital bed to

the stroller,

provided a brief explanation before changing the subject. "Dad, am I your biological

brow furrowed and his gaze flickered slightly. "Why do you ask? You're

a grave expression.

why do I have A-type blood when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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